The List of Spells
by Katrina Dawn Nell and Raymond Schaff
This Compilation was orignally edited as text in 1996 by Katrina Dawn Nell (aka IndyKat, who says Hi!). Since becoming co-conspirator, I've made it into a Web page with Netscape Navigator Gold, adding links to the relevant episodes. We only included spells the viewer actually heard, so that unheard Purification spell in Hunter's Moon, Part Three doesn't count...
For the record, the “G. Guay” who's mentioned several times sent IndyKat “a whole bunch of translations” that others made somewhere else. Our thanks to everyone involved and as IndyKat said, Enjoy!
Editors note: This site is no longer in the original state Katrina Dawn Nell and Raymond Schaff left it, as a facelifting was needed. Thus, the abovementioned Netscape Navigator is no longer the real source, and update requests should now be sent to the administrator of this website instead of Katrina Dawn Nell or Raymond Schaff. On the other hand: If we didn't get the translations up now, we most likely never will.
Guandalug la'Fay
Awakening, Part Two
The Magus's incantation from the Grimorum Arcanorum - The one that started it all:
- “Dormiatis dum castellum super nubes ascendat!”
- May you sleep until the castle rises above the clouds!
[from Ora (via G. Guay)]
Demona's incantation from the Grimorum Arcanorum:
- “Sine dubio, instantatum.”
- Without doubt, instantly.
[from Edward Sunnerton]
Long Way To Morning
The Archmage's favorite attack, often using the Grimorum Arcanorum:
- “Fulmenos venite!”
- Come lightning!
[from Leigh Ann (via G. Guay), DangerMom's daughter, Kathleen M. Quinn and Carolina Moreno Vanegas (who helped confirm it was “come” and not “go”, a source of some debate).]
Still, you'll hear it again in Vows and Avalon, Part Two.
The Mirror
Demona's incantation to summon Puck:
(A silver bell is rung four times with a ring of gold)
“Cum aescerat argentum
et aurum involare,
(a feather is blown into the mirror)
Postea Puck ad speculum
Titania penetrare!” -
(A silver bell is rung four times with a ring of gold)
With fire, silver,
and gold combined,
(a feather is blown into the mirror)
Summon Puck to pass
through Titania's mirror!
[Spell from DangerMom's Daughter and Kathleen M. Quinn; Translation by Wanderer, who says its really “bad Latin” while the following is in the classical Latin:
Cum ignis, argentum et aurum universus,
Postuli Puck penetro speculum Titania. ]
Puck's various transformation spells:
- ---To change Elisa into a Gargoyle:
- “Thy sight Demona doth offend,
so Puck will hasten to amend.
Begone Elisa, human born,
and be no more as you were formed!”
[from IndyKat and Ray] - ---To change NewYork City's inhabitants into Gargoyles:
- “All humans on this concrete isle,
Demona finds your presence vile;
So do you now as I command,
and be not woman, child, nor man!”
[from IndyKat] - ---A little ditty that turned the humanized clan's weapons against them:
- “Humans love a battle hearty,
So does Puck; come on, let's party...”
[from Ray] - ---To change everyone back the way they were:
And now the gargoyles will I mend.
If his efforts you commend,
Free Puck; let him homeward wend...”
[from IndyKat]
- ---Puck's final spell that night, “granting” Demona's original wish:
- “Fearsome creature who would stay
Unchanged by the light of day,
Remain you thus throughout the night,
And be thou flesh by dawn's fair light.”
[from Ray]
The incantation for the Phoenix Gate spoken thrice by Demona and once by Goliath:

- “Deflagrate muri tempi et intervallia!”
Burn down walls of time and space!
[from Jon (via G. Guay). However, Mary of the OSU Clan in Ohio says that the following phrase is “correct in Latin grammar”:
Deflagrate muros temporis et intervalia ]
However you say it (I thought it started with “Deslegrate”), Goliath repeats it twice more in M.I.A. and then one final time (for now) in Future Tense.
City of Stone, Part One
Demona's televised incantation, from a stolen page of the Grimorum Arcanorum:
- “Omnes conspecti, omnes auditi,
In nocte usque ad saxum commutate
Dum caelum ardeat” - All who see, all who hear
Change to stone even at night
Until the sky burns!
[from Kathleen M. Quinn and Jon (via G. Guay)]
City of Stone, Part Three
The Weird Sister's spell, linking and thus immortalizing Demona and Macbeth:
- “Across the mists of space and time
we pose this covenant sublime:
Macbeth his youth doth offer here,
to make this one a force to fear,
While she with fang and claw and wing
doth swear sweet death his foes to bring.
By their acceptance are they consigned
unto each other's fate designed,
forever and eternal bound,
and each the other's pain resound.”
[from IndyKat]
Avalon, Part One
Spoken by Tom to return to Avalon from Manhattan, as well as by the Magus (using the Grimorum Arcanorum) to sail to Avalon from Scotland:
- “Vocate venti fortunate
ex rege Oberonis
et hic navis flugem regate
ad orae Avalonis.” - Come winds, safely
from the kingdom/shores of Oberon
guide this ship through the waves
to the shores of Avalon.
Spoken twice by the Magus using the Grimorum, changing eggs to shards and shards to eggs:
- “Per usum meum adsumate signo tuto uto care.”
- Through my skill recieve this protective sign (or spell) to use, o precious ones.
Spoken by the Magus using the Grimorum Arcanorum against the Weird Sisters:
- “Per usum meum dira te rectus volutare (or volare).”
- Through my skill twist back the curse directly on you.
All of the above from Kathleen M. Quinn. In the Avalon boat rides, “flugem” may mean “fluctum” and “rege” may have sounded like “ripae”, but neither the magic of Gargoyles nor the speakers thereof seem too picky about it.
Avalon, Part Two
Some powerful mystical-types like the Archmage are known to use simple one-word commands:
- “Halt”
- to stop his earlier self from falling
- “Vessel”
- to summon an Avalon-style Skiff with his likeness
- “Revert”
- to change the Weird Sisters back to their usual forms; later used by Oberon upon Odin and the Banshee in The Gathering, Part One).
[from Ray]
Avalon, Part Three
- A dramatic spell cast by the Magus against Arthur's ancient, hollow guardians:
- “Armored warriors who would stay
Upon the winds of yesterday,
You have discharged your promise bold,
So sleep you now; Grow still; Grow cold!” - A simple incantation, allowing the Magus to attack the Weird Sisters:
- “Mystical Avalon, hear my plea;
Fill me with your energy!” - The final spell of the Magus, ironically showing that Avalon's magic can manipulate what its Children are most vulnerable to:
- “Iron armor, swords and riches,
Form a chain to bind these witches.” - The Archmage freezing the surface of a lake, trapping Goliath within (temporarily, of course):
- “Ice!” (his final command, by the way)
- The Weird Sisters' ending their hold over Demona and Macbeth:
- “We free you from our dreadful geas,
Do as thou will, and as thou please.”
[All from Ray].
Note 1: I think that they used a variation of the word “gaze” in that last rhyme, because I could not find “geez”, “gese”, “geaz” or whatever in any dictionary or thesaurus.
Note 2: "Geas" has been placed instead of "gaze," as it makes the rhyme and fulfills the meaning (i.e. a magical binding).
Raven's simple and somewhat reluctant spell to animate wood totem carvings:
- “Totem beasts, entrapped in wood,
The time has come to... do some good.” - [from Ray]
Incantation by Rabbi Lowe, his decendant Max Lowe, and Preston Vogel to awaken the Golem:
- “Kum, u'l'chayim tikanes bachochma,
v'nefesh chaim tihiyeh b'guf shel adama!” - Rise up, and enter into life in wisdom;
and let there be a living soul in a body of earth!
Incantation by Halcyon Renyard to transfer his soul to the Golem:
- “Nafshi tihiyeh b'guf shel adama.”
- Let my soul be in the body of earth.
Both from Batya “The Toon” Levin
Una's incantation from an unidentied book of spells:
- “Dormite, hostes mei, ubi statis!”
- Sleep, my enemies, where you stand!
[from Kathleen M. Quinn]
Oh, yeah... the Pheonix Gate is used again, but we covered that.
- Ceremonial spell from the Papyrus of Thoth (say “toth”) performed at midnight by “the Emir” to summon Anubis, Egyptian god of death (and Child of Oberon) on the site:
- “By the Scroll of Thoth, by the sacred tanna leaves,
By the power of Amon-Ra, I endure and compel you,
Come forth from your dark domain, Jackal-god, keeper of the dead;
Come forth to do our bidding!” - Spell read by the Emir from the Papyrus of Thoth that would turn the reader into an avatar, thus merging with Anubis. The god's spirit could be intercepted by another, as Jackal proved all too well:
- “In the names of Osiris, Isis and Set,
Let Anubis and I now be one!” - A slightly different spell, transferring the power of Anubis from Jackal to the more stable Emir:
- “In the names of Osiris, Isis and Set,
Let the spirit of Anubis flow into this vessel!”
[all from Ray]
Incidentally, “Set” is often spelled “Seth”
The Hound Of Ulster
Exclaimation by Rory before his transformation: “Gae Bulga!” - the Gaelic name of Cu Chulainn's spear. ref: Ancient Irish Tales, Barnes and Nobles Books (pub)
Both the phrase spoken by Cu Chulainn to Bronx and the war cry (?) of Cu Chulainn to the Ban Sidhe have yet to be reported or translated...
This riddle is not a spell per se, but considering (a) it's a poem like those Oberon's Children sometimes use, (b) the Lady of the Lake (named Vivian in some texts) may be one of them and (c) Avalon sent Arthur to London (and Griff, who knew the poem)... well, why not?
- “Isle of towers glass and stone,
The Lady waits for him alone;
Ebon glass in emerald frame,
Pure white lilies, speak her name;
Blood red bane in dragon stone,
Excalibur waits for him alone.” - [from Ray]
Macbeth's incantation on top of the Guggenheim Museum, upon throwing some substance into a fire:
- “Deflagrate muri intervallia!”
- Burn down (the) walls of space!
[from Indykat, taken from the Phoenix Gate incantation.
Macbeth's summoning the Will O' the Wisp from a glass orb to spy on Arthur and the Gargs, after connecting the orb to an electronic monitor (maybe a needed receptacle, like a mirror or water):
- “Spiritus, minitus, invustrus appares.
Tiny spirit of fire and light,
Find the ones I seek tonight.” - [from Ray. The two English verses were easy, but for the Latin verse this is my best guess]
Ill Met By Moonlight
Titania's enchantment upon Oberon, reducing his power before the hunt:
- “Avalon's Lord, be thou enchained;
Thy power to child's strength restrained;
'Til hunt be done and issue known,
This contest win by craft alone.”
Oberon's first attack to snare his quarry (soon followed by “Attack for your Lord, umbrage of Avalon; make an end of these interlopers!”):
- “Branch and root, twig and vine,
Strike with your masters wrath divine!”
Oberon's next potentially fatal attempt at ensnarement was over a crater of lava:
- “Lake of fire, heed my say;
Seize with hands of flame my prey!”
All from Ray
The Gathering, Part One
Oberon puts the whammy on Manhattan:
- (need we say more?)
[from Ray]
The Gathering, Part Two
Oberon's summoning of an ice storm, the longest spell he said aloud during his Manhattan visit:
- “Let frozen rain be your bane!”
- [from Ray]
“Soul Transference 101” as performed by Puck (disguised as Goliath) then twice more by young Alexander Xanatos (possessing Lexington). “Soul transfers are tricky,” claims Puck “and require voluntary participation” (at least from whomever controls the vessel to be possessed or vacated):
- “For the spirit to be willing, the flesh must first grow weak;
Just long enough for soul in flight to pass from cheek to cheek.” - [again, from Ray]