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Eye of the Storm
Synopsis | Review by Juan F. Lara | Review by Todd Jensen
- The Travellers wound up in Norway.
- Odin sought to get his eye back.
- Goliath used the Eye to keep Odin from it, and like all the others, was corrupted by it.
- Angela made him realize his mistake and he gave the Eye back to its rightful owner.
by Niki Boultinghouse
Act I
Goliath, Elisa, Bronx, and Angela, once again directed by Avalon, drift into a cold front. While Elisa wonders why it suddenly got so cold, the boat runs into ice. The four get out and walk to shore, the ice covering the rest of the way. Along the way, Angela remarks how she had never been able to see ice or snow in Avalon, and how it could take your breath away. Elisa replies in the affirmative, shivering. when they get to shore, an old man welcomes them to Norway. To Goliath's surprise, he remarks how gargoyles are rare to Norway. He says that is is well versed in myth and legend when Goliath voices his surprise. He then points to Elisa who is still shivering in the intense cold and offers her an overcoat in exchange for a fair trade. When asked, he answers that a fair trade would equal the Eye of Odin that Goliath carries. Elisa protests and Goliath reluctantly agrees, declining to give the old man the Eye. The man trods away, saying Goliath will live to regret the decision, but Elisa will not. Elisa quickly tells Goliath that it is not his fault, and he replies that it is not a matter of fault, but of responsibility, and his is to protect her.
On a road they find, a father and son are driving home after a game. Bronx runs across the road in front of them, causing their car to run off the road, and nearly off the cliff. Goliath reaches down and grabs the car, however, and stops it from falling. Thinking it was just good brakes, the father starts to backup. He looks in the rearview mirror and catches a glimpse of Goliath, and is startled. When the father gets that car back on the road, Elisa steps out in front of them. The father goes to her, giving her a blanket and asking where she came from. She starts to tell him her story, but he stops her and takes her to the car to get warm. Inside the car, he introduces himself as Eric, and his son as Gunther. Goliath and Angela watch the car drive away. Seeing her in good hands, Goliath says they will stay close, and they follow the car to the farmhouse.
Outside the cabin, Angela notes that Elisa will need time to recover, and Goliath agrees, at least a day. The three gargoyles set off to find a place to sleep for the day within the forest.
Back in the cabin, Gunther tells his father that Elisa is telling the truth, that if she were out for a hike, she would have brought a parka at least. Eric tells his son that Elisa will tell them when she feels like it, and not to pry into the matter.
Back to the gargoyles, Angela asks Goliath how the old man knew they had the Eye with them. He says he does not know, but that such a power as the Eye is far too dangerous for anyone; that he has seen what it did to Fox and the Archmage, and how it brought out their innermost selves. Bronx suddenly gets up, and grunts. A huge polar bear with one eye leaps out from the snow and attacks Goliath. Bronx leaps in to help Goliath, but is thrown, as is Angela. The two simultaneoulsly attack the bear, but it only tosses them aside again. It knocks down Goliath and rips the pouch carrying the Eye away from him, and runs off. Goliath chases after the bear and wrestles it to the ground, taking back the pouch before knocking it into the water. Angela appears next to Goliath and wonders how such a huge creature can just disappear under the water. Goliath notes that the bear had only one eye, and that it and the old man were one and the same, and that meant they were dealing with sorcery. They decide to get Elisa and leave before anything else can happen to them.
At the cabin, Eric gives Elisa a sweater to keep her warm. Suddenly, they hear a noise, and the wall breaks in, and standing there is the old man on a black horse demanding that Elisa come with him. Elisa calls out for him to catch her, and starts running out towards the woods. Of course the old man easily catches her and takes her to Goliath, Angela, and Bronx. He tells them that he will kill Elisa if Goliath does not give him his rightful property, making it clear that he IS Odin, the Norse god, and that the Eye is his. Angela says that if Goliath gives him the Eye, Odin will have the power to destroy them, and if not, he will destroy Elisa. Elisa protests and Odin remarks how he is not the most patient of gods. Seeing no other way out, Goliath takes the Eye, and places it around his own neck.
Act II
Goliath transforms and demands that Odin lets Elisa go. Odin turns and takes the battle to the air. Goliath quickly follows and overtakes Odin, in spite of Odin's resistance. Goliath takes Elisa, telling Odin that he will not be let off that easy, and that the Eye is his. He also tells Odin that if he threatens them again, he will not be so kind. Odin screams that it is not over and leaves.
When the sun rises Goliath, who while wearing the Eye is no longer subject to turning to stone, awes at the warmth of the sun. He tells Elisa how the Eye has granted him powers beyond his own comprehension. Elisa asks if it is safe, and Goliath tells her that his form is an inner manifestation of himself, and that if Elisa trusts him, they should be fine. She reassures him that she does, but perhaps he should take off the Eye. He argues that he needs it to protect Angela and Bronx until dusk, and Elisa reluctantly agrees. Eric and Gunther then come running up and ask for an explanation for Goliath. Goliath tells Eric he has nothing to fear, and that he will protect him and his son. He then flies off to look for Odin. Elisa laughs and starts to tell the story.
Back at the cabin, Eric tells Elisa that it seems they are in good hands, and she says that she hasn't been let down yet. Gunther goes outside and points out that another storm has started. Goliath arrives and tells him that the storm is Odin's doing, and that the cabin will most likely not be able to withstand the storm. Eric mentions a cave he and Gunther sometimes go to, and that they can easily retreat to. Goliath tell them to pack the essentials (including Bronx and Angela) and they will go there.
They make way to the cave, but stop at sunset to let Angela and Bronx awaken. Gunther watches excitedly, and when they wake, asks Angela if she is the one known as Angela, and she slowly replies "yes..." as an other storm kicks in. Goliath hurries them along when Eric tells them that the cave is just around the next bend. Angela notes to Elisa that Goliath is still wearing the Eye, and Elisa answers with some doubt that Odin is still a threat. As Goliath goes ahead to fortify the area, Eric mentions how Goliath seems to have a one track mind, and Elisa tell him the gargoyles are born to protect, though she is a bit uneasy herself.
Later, inside the cave as they sit around a fire, Goliath says that if they lay low, they will be safe from Odin, and Eilsa wonders exactly how long they will have to wait. Gunther goes outside and tells the others that the storm has past, but Goliath says that Odin is just biding his time. He then goes off to find a suitable door for the cave. While he is gone, Angela takes a pan outside and starts gathering some snow. While she gathers, she looks up to the sky and sees Goliath. To her great surprise, she sees him creating the storms that drove them into hiding.
Goliath comes back to the cave with a huge boulder to serve as a door. When he goes inside, he starts to tell them Odin is at it again, but is met by the stern stares of the entire group. He asks if there is a problem, and Elisa bluntly states that the problem is him. Angela tells him that they know he created the storms. He consents saying he was using them as incentive to get them into the cave, for their own protection. Angela wonders why he is acting so strangely and Elisa quickly cries out that it is the Eye. Goliath just says that they Eye has made him a better protector, and that is all they need to know. He leaves, shutting them into the cave. Eric calls the protection Goliath gives them imprisonment, and Elisa reassures him that this is not their Goliath. Angela cries out as Goliath secures the boulder, and tries to push the boulder away. Eric calls Goliath a tyrant and Bronx reluctantly agrees.
Outside, Goliath shouts for Odin to come to him. Odin appears to accept the challenge, and strikes Goliath with a bolt of energy. He asks once again that Goliath return his property, but Goliath just asks why he would want it all to end. Goliath discovers that he can absorb Odin's power and uses it against the Norse god. Back in the cave, the group uses the car along with themselves to try and move the boulder, but they fail in even moving it an inch. Back outside, Goliath tells Odin without his eye, he is not what he used to be. Odin says what he lacks in strength he has gained in wisdom. Goliath replies that he should have the wisdom too yield, and that his defeat is certain. Odin answers that he did not summon them there to lose. Goliath says "you will never again hurt those I care about" and Odin unleashes a storm directly at him. Odin tells Goliath that he is not the threat. Goliath forces Odin to the ground, and laughs, telling him that his day has come and gone. Odin mumbles "We shall see" and sends a force to the cave, removing the boulder.
Elisa happily says "is it me, or did that seem like progress?" They come out to see Goliath standing over Odin. Elisa tells Angela "You know what we have to do" and Angela agrees, picking Elisa up and gliding down to Goliath. Goliath plays with Odin, asking him how it feels to be so close to death and revival at the same time. Elisa starts shouting at Goliath that the Eye has transformed him, just like it did to Fox and the Archmage. Goliath gets angry at Elisa and states that he does not deserve such disobedience for his protection. Elisa keeps telling him it is the Eye that has corrupted him, and Angela attacks, trying to remove the Eye from around his neck. Goliath roars in anger and shouts that they must now feel his wrath instead of his protection in return for their trechery. He forces the ground to open up and Angela, Bronx and Elisa all fall inside. Goliath walks back to Odin, asking where he was. Elisa notices the walls of the chasm closing in and shouts for the others to move and get out. Angela does not however, and stays clinging to the wall inside the narrow canyon. She cries out for help, indicating to the others not to help. She calls out for father's help and protection. Goliath hears her cry, and momentarily realizes what he has done, and rushes to her rescue. When she is safe, he tears the Eye from around his neck and faints to the ground. Elisa tells Angela she took a chance, and that she wished she had thought of it. Odin takes the Eye and replaces it to its rightful place. Later on, within the cave, Goliath comes to. As the others watch, he sits up and says "Jalapena, do I have a headache!", and Elisa happily says that this is the Goliath they know. Goliath feels around his neck for the Eye, and feeling that it is gone, he quickly asks what happened to it. Odin comes in from the outside, leading his steed, and seeing with two eyes. Odin appologizes for any havoc he caused trying to regain his eye, and that he is out of practice dealing with mortals. Goliath appologizes too, saying he is unaccustomed to dealing with gods, or being one. Odin says that they then have all gained a rare enlightenment. He them jumps on his black horse and rides off on a rainbow, into the sky as the others watch in awe.
by Juan F. Lara
A better episode than "Pendragon", but it didn't have anything outstanding.
This episode was a lot like an "Aladdin" episode titled "Armed and Dangerous", where the Sultan donned magical armor that corrupted him similarly to how the Eye of Odin corrupted Goliath.
Good Points
Cary Bates wrote a good script. The characters often had long conversations that humanized them, such as Gunther repeating what he's learned in school about Odin. I liked the slow pacing, which allowed the characters to gradually realize how the Eye had changed Goliath.
Eric's and Elisa's reactions to Goliath made an interesting contrast. Eric's only impression of Goliath was as "a tyrant", while Elisa still hoped that the good Goliath that she knew was in him somewhere.
I was glad that for a change Eric and Gunther didn't turn out to have heroic destinies. They were just innocent bystanders, but still well characterized.
Odin had a believable characterization. He expected the Travellers to submit to his will automatically because he was a god. But at the end he acknowledged that he could've saved a lot of trouble if he had taken a more civil approach.
IMHO, Sun Min's animation looked much improved from "Sanctuary", particularly their effects animation for the storm sequences. Mega-Goliath had an imaginative costume, though he reminded me a lot of Batman somehow. :-)
Bad Points
Goliath had a few good lines about his warped vision of "protection". But I still didn't get very involved with the plot. I just didn't find anything notably original with Goliath's version of the corrupted good guy. His descent into tyranny and the plot's outcome were predictable. Bates should've come up with a more imaginative resolution than Goliath coming to his senses when Angela seemed in danger. (I thought that he was beyond caring for her as he felt that she had betrayed him.)
One detail that did stick in my mind: Goliath immediately realized that the bear was Odin because of its missing eye. Too often characters don't realize until the last act a plot point made obvious to the audience.
Elisa: You certain you won't miss this sweater?
Eric: Heh. Please take it. I am rich in sweaters.
Goliath: As I feared, Odin has unleashed...Is there a problem?
Odin: I apologize for any trouble I caused in my efforts to reclaim it.
It seems I'm out of practice dealing directly with mortals.
Goliath: I owe you an apology as well. It seems I am unaccustomed to dealing
with a god...or being one.
"Eye of the Storm" was a good episode. But it should've been much better.
by Todd Jensen
After "Eye of the Beholder" and "Avalon" had aired, I would occasionally wonder something about the Eye of Odin. On the two occasions that it had been worn, by Fox and the Archmage, it had transformed these people into truly powerful and dangerous opponents; Fox became a ravening werefox and the Archmage became perhaps the mightiest sorcerer in the world. While this clearly demonstrated the impact that the Eye had upon its wearer's abilities, I wondered what effect it had upon a person's character. Fox was turned by it into a savage beast, but she had already been noticeably amoral and ruthless before coming into contact with it; as for the Archmage, he behaved in the same fashion with the Eye as without it, an arrogant, petulant, power-hungry figure. So what effect would the Eye of Odin have upon a "good guy" who wore it? Did the Eye have some actual corrupting influence, or was the damage that it had wreaked through its past two bearers simply the result of its being borne by "villains" (a concept similar to the contrast between how Jackal and the Emir acted as Anubis's avatars in "Grief")? This episode finally answered my question, and made it clear that it was the former.
The story begins as Goliath and his friends arrive in Norway, to be confronted by an old white-bearded man with only one eye, leaning on a staff and dressed in a black hooded robe spangled with stars. He asks them for the Eye of Odin, and when Goliath refuses to yield it to them, attempts to take it from them in one fashion or another, culminating when he kidnaps Elisa and then reveals his true identity. The old man is none other than Odin, and the Eye is literally that - the very eye that Odin had given up in exchange for a drink from Mimir's well. Now Odin wants it back, and is determined not to give up until he has recovered his eye. When he finally, out of desperation, takes Elisa prisoner to force an exchange, Goliath comes to the conclusion that his only hope is to don the Eye itself. It promptly transforms him into an "Odinized" version of himself, with the same starry pattern on his wings as on Odin's clothing (a nice touch) and a stereotypical horned helmet (more about that below). With this increased might, Goliath is able to rescue Elisa, but the protagonists' troubles are far from over. Indeed, it becomes clear before long that the real threat to them doesn't come from Odin at all.
Goliath's corruption by the Eye is nicely handled; he continues to appear concerned about protecting his companions from Odin (as he naturally would, even if he were not wearing the Eye), but a number of his actions have an unsettling undercurrent to them. His joy at beholding the sun has an overblown quality to it (almost reminiscent of Sevarius), and when he assures Elisa that the Eye is safe with him, he pats her on the head in a very patronizing fashion. He even treats Angela and Bronx as mere luggage to be hauled along to the cave that they seek shelter in. But the full revelation of the Eye's impact on Goliath is saved for when his friends discover that the snowstorms supposedly raised by Odin were actually raised by Goliath instead, and that his real purpose of getting them into the cave was to keep them confined and unable to interfere while he battles Odin. (One question that is not answered in the story, but would be interesting to debate over, is how conscious Goliath is of these motivations? Is he aware of his true goals at this point, or has the Eye deluded him into believing that he's doing all of this just to protect his friends from Odin?)
In the ensuing battle with Odin, Goliath soon gets the upper hand, and increasingly shows that, even if he may have initially thought that he was fighting the old Norse god just to neutralize his threat, his true objective now is to dispose of his chief competitor for the Eye and its powers. Odin (who parted with much of his power when he also parted with the Eye) is overwhelmed, but has the presence of mind to free Goliath's companions with one of his last bursts of strength so that they can intervene. When Goliath angrily opens a chasm beneath Elisa and Angela's feet, Angela cleverly lets go, crying out for help, to break through the Eye's hold on Goliath and reach his true protective instincts (a solution that is maybe a bit of a cheat, since Goliath had deliberately imperiled her and Elisa in the first place), leading him to rescue her and cast aside the Eye.
And so the Eye finds its way back to Odin in the end. Afterwards, he ruefully admits that he could have handled things a lot better (presumably by explaining about the Eye having originally been his rather than simply demanding it), commenting that he is not used to dealing with mortals. (An interesting remark, given that Odin was the only one of the Norse gods to regularly interact with humans at all in the original myths; if he is this out of practice, it's probably a good thing that Goliath and his friends did not encounter any of the other Aesir while they were in Norway!) Goliath admits to a similar weakness himself - in this case, dealing with gods - or being one. The two of them part on better terms now, both having learned much through their encounter with the Eye, as Odin himself points out.
This is one of my favorite World Tour stories, and certainly had a great surprise to it; although I was excited by the Eye of Odin's name, I had not expected it to be linked to Odin himself. The one element of it that bothered me was the notion of both Goliath in his Odinized form and Odin in his warrior form wearing horned helmets of the sort that are popularly but inaccurately linked to the Vikings, mainly since the series had already shown itself aware (through its character designs for Hakon and his followers) that the Vikings didn't actually wear those helmets. But I suppose that it can be justified on the ground that both Goliath and Odin are fantasy beings rather than actual Norsemen.
The episode also slightly reminds me of The Lord of the Rings, with the notion of a magical talisman being pursued by its original owner, who lost much of his power when he parted with it and needs it to return to full strength, and which corrupts whoever uses it (indeed, Goliath's actions under the influence of the Eye have given me some idea as to just how the Ring might have corrupted one of the great figures of Middle-earth, such as Gandalf, had he used it to fight Sauron); there is even eye-related imagery in both cases. Of course, the parallels are most likely coincidental, and there are as many differences as similarities, in particular, the notion that returning the Eye to Odin turning out to be the right thing to do (not to mention that Sauron would definitely not have apologized to Frodo and his fellow hobbits afterwards for all the trouble that he had caused trying to get the Ring back if he had recovered it!).
Goliath's Odinized form was partly designed as a proposal for a Gargoyles toy (like Brooklyn's motorcycle in "Temptation" and the converted Pack-chopper in "Her Brother's Keeper"), but was rejected by Kenner. (Kenner's Gargoyles line gained a notoriety among fans of the series for doing too many "alternate" takes on the gargoyles in a super-powered mode and not enough characters from the television series, making it ironic that the one time that the series offered them an actual enhanced version of one of the main gargoyles for inspiration, they rejected it!
Erik and Gunther Sturluson's surname is borrowed from Snorri Sturluson (1179 - 1241), the medieval Icelandic author of the Prose Edda, one of the leading primary sources for Norse mythology.
Odin's horse Sleipnir is portrayed as having only four legs, rather than the eight that he bore in Norse myth. The reason for that is that the animators were able to do a far better job designing a four-legged horse than an eight-legged horse (Greg Weisman has hypothesized that Sleipnir was in an alternate form at the time).
At the very end of the episode, Odin is seen riding off on Sleipnir across a rainbow. This is obviously Bifrost, the rainbow bridge leading to Asgard, home of the Norse gods. (Since Odin would not receive the call to return to Avalon for the Gathering until somewhere between "Ill Met By Moonlight" and "The Gathering Part One", I presume from this that Asgard is not part of Avalon but a home for Odin and the other Norse gods in the outside world.)