Appendix B: A Guide to the Gargoyles Universe
By Todd Jensen
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- A tabloid in New York, which printed a number of stories about the gargoyles after the sightings of them began in the city. [However, the Tattler's gargoyle reports helped convince most citizens that the gargoyles were nothing more than an urban legend, for the simple reason that it had such a low reputation.]
- A sacred Kachina dance, rarely performed. Peter Maza performed it as a boy, at his father's request, and thus became somehow joined to Coyote the Trickster. He later on performed it again in Arizona in 1996, and thus helped free Coyote from Xanatos.
A noted silent film star and wife of Mace Malone until his Illuminati-engineered disappearance in 1924. She was the mother of Jack Dane/Danforth by a previous marriage. After she died around 1980 and was buried at Pine Lawn, Mace Malone came to visit her grave and leave a flower behind every Thursday.
Her real name was Flora Dreedle.
- Jack Danforth's original name.
Mace Malone's stepson, the son of Flo Dane. He was born as Jack Dane around 1919; in 1924, when he was five years old, Malone abandoned him and his mother at the Illuminati's orders. Jack followed his stepfather's footsteps, entering the world of organized crime, and in the process, became a bitter rival to the Dracons. [After testifying against them in court,] he entered the Witness Protection Program, taking on the new name of "Jack Danforth" and assuming the identity of a retired banker.
Martin Hacker informed Matt Bluestone about Jack Danforth, mistakenly believing that it would be another false lead, but Jack was able to help Matt locate Mace Malone. Later on, when Tomas Brod came to New York and entered into a turf war with Tony Dracon, Jack came out of "retirement" to assist him. After Elisa, the trio, and Angela defeated Brod's forces, however, Jack quickly found himself behind bars.
- The name used by the Vikings for Oberon's Children.
- A pool hall which Elisa pretended to threaten while playing the part of a crooked cop in order to infiltrate Dracon's protection ring.
A clone made from a combination of Demona and Elisa's DNA by Sevarius for Thailog. Unlike the other Clones, Delilah was made without Demona's knowledge; Thailog had already decided that Demona was too violent and unpredictable to make a viable ally for long, and therefore wanted a new mate as a successor to her when the time came to break with her. He therefore had Sevarius create Delilah for this purpose. (His choice of originals for his new mate suggests that Thailog has something of an Oedipus complex).
After Demona protested Thailog's decision to kill the captive Angela at Coney Island, he decided that the time had come to reveal Delilah to her. This revelation proved to be the straw that broke the camel's back, as Demona released the clan and then sought out vengeance upon Thailog for piling insult upon betrayal by mixing her genes with Elisa's. In the battle that followed, Angela defeated Delilah, who afterwards went to live in the Labyrinth with the other Clones.
[Delilah will be Goliath's "date" on the occasion of the "Halloween double date", but be forced to face the fact that Goliath has given his heart to Elisa in the end. She will find a mate of her own, however, and will become the ancestor of Delilah (2).]
<Delilah was named after the infamous woman who betrayed Samson to the Philistines (Judges 16: 4-20), and who has since become a byword for female treachery and seductiveness; doubtless, this was in Thailog's mind when he chose her name, particularly the seductiveness.>
- [DELILAH (2)]
- [A descendant of the original Delilah and member of the Labyrinth clan in 2198, hatched in 2158. Delilah (2) is troubled by her awareness of being descended from the original Delilah, and thus being ultimately a half-breed with some of Elisa's genetic material in her. Humans aware of her "heritage" feel fear and disgust towards her, and Delilah fears that even her fellow gargoyles share in that emotion. As a result, she is outwardly tough, but inwardly very insecure. However, she will join Samson's resistance cell willingly enough, and become his second.]
Goliath's former mate, once a member of the Wyvern clan. She is now one of its greatest enemies, and possibly the most dangerous gargoyle in the world.
[Demona was hatched in the year 938. By 971, she and Goliath were already falling in love with each other.] However, the young Demona - at that time, known only as "Angel of the Night" or simply "Angel", titles which Goliath had bestowed upon her - had already begun to develop the weaknesses that would lead her down a dark path to come. Showing a strong interest in magic, she secretly entered the Archmage's service as his apprentice, in which role she served largely as a servant and errand-runner. The Archmage treated her harshly, dominating her by his threats, and she obeyed his commands out of fear. This reached its climax in 975, when the Archmage commanded her to steal the Phoenix Gate from Princess Elena.
Just after Demona stole the Gate, an older version of herself appeared with a duplicate Phoenix Gate, and whisked them both away to the year 994, accompanied by an older version of Goliath (both from the year 1995). There, the older Demona showed the younger one the aftermath of the Wyvern Massacre and Goliath's petrified form on the battlements, urging her to use the Phoenix Gate to avert this disaster and destroy the humans. The younger Demona was horrified at her future self's coldness and callousness, and refused to become like her, but was also disturbed at what she had seen. The Goliath from the future did what he could to comfort her, urging her to not worry about this catastrophe but to remain true to her love. The younger Demona then returned herself and the two time travellers to 975, where she hid the Phoenix Gate from the Archmage, pretending that she had lost it. The Archmage, furious, cast her off as his apprentice then and there. Afterwards, Demona and Goliath attended Prince Malcolm's wedding; she broke the Phoenix Gate in half there, giving one half of it to him as a token of her love, while keeping the other half for the same purpose.
Demona remained troubled by the vision that she had seen, and also grew bitter over the increasingly unfriendly treatment that the humans of Castle Wyvern were giving the gargoyle clan. Mingled in with these was a certain thirst for power, both for herself and for Goliath. By 984, she was urging him to replace Hudson as leader, convinced that Hudson was too old to effectively lead the clan. When Hudson did choose to abdicate that same year in favor of Goliath, Demona became the new leader's second-in-command. By this time, it seems that they were already mates. [Their daughter Angela was conceived in 987, and Demona laid the egg that would hatch into her the following year.]
By 994, Demona had finally had enough of the constant ingratitude of Princess Katharine and her human subjects towards the clan, and decided, with the Captain of the Guard, to betray the humans to Hakon and his Vikings. The two plotters urged Goliath to take the entire clan and drive the Vikings away from the castle, intending to have Hakon capture Castle Wyvern in the gargoyles' absence. But Goliath, unwilling to leave the castle undefended, only took Hudson with him. The Captain, desperate to have the plan succeed, decided to have Hakon attack during the daytime. Demona was alarmed, knowing that in the daytime, the clan would be trapped in its stone sleep and defenceless. She dared not warn the rest of the gargoyles, however, for fear that if she did so, she might have to reveal her part in the conspiracy, and so fled alone to hide upon the beach.
She awakened that night, and returned to find her clan destroyed by the Vikings. Horrified and grief-stricken, she hid herself when Goliath returned to the castle, too afraid to face him. By the time that she re-emerged from hiding, Goliath and the other survivors had already been turned to stone by the Magus. Looking up at her mate's petrified form, Demona cried out, "What have I - what have they done to you?" In that moment, her mood changed from grief to anger and hatred, burying the guilt that she felt over having contributed to the destruction of her clan underneath her rage at the humans, blaming them for her woes so that she could avoid facing her own responsibility for them. She saw below Princess Katharine, the Magus, and Tom loading the rookery eggs on the cart and driving away with them, but made no effort to go after them. Instead, she kissed the stone Goliath one last time, and glided away.
Coming to a nearby farm, she raided the barn for supplies. The farmer's young son Gillecomgain, hearing the commotion from the animals, came to investigate, and Demona promptly slashed him across his face with her claws, scarring him, in her anger. This proved a fatal action for her, for Gillecomgain vowed revenge upon Demona and her race, and grew up to become the first Hunter, an enemy both to Demona and to all gargoyles.
Demona continued to wander about Scotland, attacking any human who got in her way and stealing food to survive. In time, other gargoyles, the survivors of clans that had been destroyed by the humans, joined her, and by 1020, she was the leader of a new clan, if a rather ragtag one, which turned to banditry. By that time, the grown-up Gillecomgain, as the Hunter, had become one of her worst enemies, and a danger to all the surviving gargoyles left in Scotland as well.
In 1020, the Weird Sisters were assigned the task of watching over Demona and Macbeth by the Archmage, and set to work at once. They persuaded Demona to attack Gillecomgain at Castle Moray, when he went there on Prince Duncan's orders to assassinate Findlaech, and there she met Macbeth for the first time, and actually saved his life (although having to allow the Hunter to escape in order to so do).
Twelve years later, the Sisters again persuaded Demona to fight Gillecomgain at Castle Moray by Macbeth's side. This time, she slew the Hunter, and Macbeth saved her life, for which she grudgingly thanked him, hoping that their dealings were now at an end.
They were not. When Duncan finally decided to destroy Macbeth in 1040, he feared that Demona and her clan would aid Macbeth against him, and so attempted to destroy them as the Hunter. This backfired, however, for it helped force Macbeth and Demona into an alliance against Duncan as the common foe. All the same, Demona did not quite trust Macbeth, until the Weird Sisters appeared and made Demona this offer: if she would agree to the alliance with Macbeth, they would rejuvenate her. Demona, [by now the gargoyle equivalent of 52 and prematurely aged by her strenuous living,] agreed to this, and the Sisters caused her and Macbeth to switch ages, [making Macbeth 52 and Demona the gargoyle equivalent of 35, the age that Macbeth was then]. In so doing, they also made them both unaging and immortal, only able to die if one slew the other, although they did not mention this at the time.
With the aid of Demona and her clan, Macbeth overthrew Duncan in battle and became the new King of Scotland. He placed her clan under his protection, and declared her his primary advisor. And for the next seventeen years, Demona could know peace and safety at last. But this respite came to a tragic end in 1057, when a grown-up Canmore invaded Scotland with the help of the English, seeking to regain his father's throne and achieve his revenge. Demona and her clan valiantly fought against the English invaders, but in a private council, Bodhe urged Macbeth to cast off his alliance with the gargoyles, since (so Bodhe thought) the English were only invading Scotland because of their hatred for their kind and would go home if Macbeth abandoned Demona's clan.
Unfortunately, Macbeth did not immediately reject this advice, wishing to show his son Luach that "a wise king considers all his options, and then decides", and equally unfortunately, Demona, though not invited to the council, was secretly eavesdropping on it. Convinced that Macbeth would indeed betray her and her clan to the English, she decided to betray them first, and so abandoned Castle Moray on the eve of the final battle. Deprived of the gargoyles' aid, Macbeth was defeated by Canmore; however, Canmore had Demona's clan destroyed as well. Demona was alone once again, and had to flee Scotland.
The period of Demona's life between 1057 and 1994 is far more sketchily-recorded than that between 994 and 1057. She is known to have roamed most of the world, pursued by both Macbeth and a new line of Hunters descended from Canmore, who had learned of her survival and chosen to renew the hunt (though how is as yet unknown). Growing increasingly bitter towards humans after all the persecution that she had experienced from them (and all of the persecution that they had inflicted upon her species, driving it to near-extinction), she decided to destroy them all.
[Three] particular incidents from this period have been recorded. In 1495, Demona stole the Medici Tablet from Florence, seeking it for the Fulfillment Spell that had been engraved upon it. [In 1920, she attempted to use the Praying Gargoyle in Paris to bring to a sort of quasi-life the stone architectural gargoyles in the city so that they could slaughter the human inhabitants, but was foiled by Fiona Canmore; the Praying Gargoyle was destroyed but Demona placed its fragments in a secret compartment of Notre Dame Cathedral, where they would reform.] In 1980, she returned to Paris to recover the Praying Gargoyle, and in the process killed Charles Canmore when he confronted her over it. The Weird Sisters watched over her and Macbeth all this time, [and twice intervened in her life, under as yet unchronicled circumstances].
At some point between 1980 and 1994, Demona met Xanatos [thanks to some maneuvering behind the scenes by Brooklyn, Finella, and Mary, with Owen/Puck handling the actual introductions,] and the two of them formed an alliance for the purpose of reviving Goliath and his clan from their stone sleep, each for personal reasons. After Xanatos moved Castle Wyvern to the top of the Eyrie Building, thus breaking the Magus's spell, Demona revealed herself to the awakened clan, pretending that she had been under the Magus's spell. She helped dupe Goliath into making the raid on Cyberbiotics, but in the course of it, revealed to him the full depths of her bitterness, destroying Fortress One in order to kill as many humans as possible. When a horrified Goliath refused to join her in her crusade against humanity, she tried to kill him, but Elisa saved Goliath's life, in the process making an enemy of Demona.
From that point on, Demona attempted to either convert the gargoyles to her viewpoint, or, if she could not accomplish that, to destroy them. Among other stratagems, she tricked Brooklyn into helping her temporarily turn Goliath into a mindless zombie under her control, created the cybernetic gargoyle Coldstone, summoned Puck for the purpose (which he didn't fulfill) of getting rid of all the humans in New York, and even tricked Goliath into yielding up to her his piece of the Phoenix Gate, so that she could go back in time to 975 and meet with her younger self, just as she had already done from her younger self's perspective. Her first round of schemes after Goliath and his clan's awakening climaxed when she placed a curse over the humans in New York, causing them to turn to stone during the night so that she could smash them at her leisure. This curse was foiled, not only by an alliance between Goliath and Xanatos, but also the unexpected intervention of first Macbeth, and then the Weird Sisters. The Sisters took Demona and Macbeth away with them, and used them to first steal the Grimorum Arcanorum, Eye of Odin, and Phoenix Gate from the gargoyles, and next to attack the Avalon clan. After the defeat of the Archmage's forces, the Sisters lifted their hold over Demona and Macbeth, and caused them to forget everything that they had undergone while the Sisters had enchanted them, after which the Avalon clan sent them away into the outside world.
Avalon brought Demona and Macbeth to Paris, where Demona met and fell in love with Thailog. The two gargoyles used their combined wealth to set up Nightstone Unlimited, and afterwards plotted to add to their fortune by Demona marrying Macbeth in her human form as Dominique Destine, then afterwards locking him up, faking his death, and inheriting his wealth as his "widow". Thailog's real plan, however, was to trick the two into killing each other so that he could obtain all their money. Fortunately, the Avalon World Tour also brought Goliath, Elisa, Angela, and Bronx to Paris, and they were able to foil Thailog's scheme and save Demona and Thailog's lives. It was on that occasion that Demona first saw her daughter Angela (at least, the first time that she was able to remember afterwards).
Returning to New York with Thailog, Demona learned [from Sevarius] that Angela was her biological daughter. She decided to recruit Angela to her cause, as well as setting up a fresh clan for herself, by letting herself be captured by the gargoyles and imprisoned in the Labyrinth, where she arranged for the cloning of Hudson and the trio, and did all that she could to subvert Angela, without success. Demona, Thailog, and the Clones then captured the clan, but when Thailog tried to kill Angela, Demona discovered that she had come to care about her daughter and helped the gargoyles escape. She also cast off her alliance with Thailog.
Not long afterwards, Demona used her resources at Nightstone Unlimited to complete the scheme that the Medici Tablet and Praying Gargoyle had begun, by employing Sevarius to create the CV-1000 Carrier Virus. On the night of the Hunter's Moon, in St. Damien's Cathedral, she used the Fulfillment Spell engraved on the Medici Tablet to merge the carrier virus with a case of DI-7 Detergent that she had stolen from Xanatos, creating a powerful plague designed to destroy humanity, the Praying Gargoyle's magic becoming invoked to protect gargoyles from the plague. Fortunately, Goliath intervened at the last moment to destroy the Praying Gargoyle, forcing Demona to abandon her plan. She managed to escape St. Damien's Cathedral, however.
[Despite the foiling of her scheme, Demona will continue to plot the destruction of humanity with considerable bitterness. When the Space-Spawn invade Earth in 2198, however, Demona is faced with an even greater enemy to her kind than humans, and so accepts Samson's invitation to join the resistance movement, making use of her assets (such as her knowledge of magic and her ability to turn into a human in the daytime). However, Demona is uncertain as to whether she will be able to fight on the side of the angels for long. Some rumors, however, claim that she will indeed learn that she was responsible for her own misery and suffering, and undergo some sort of change of heart. These same rumors also state that she will have two more great loves, but their identity is as yet unknown.]
At present, Demona continues to bitterly hate humans, and wants the entire species destroyed. But she hates some humans more than others, and especially Elisa. She is vaguely aware of the detective's feelings for Goliath and his for her, and is utterly jealous (even if she believes that she no longer wants Goliath's love). Besides, Elisa simply does not live up to Demona's beliefs about humans all being evil, traitorous, and hostile towards gargoyles, and that worries her even more. She also has strong hatreds for the Canmore Hunters, who have hounded her so often, and Macbeth, whom she still blames for the destruction of her clan in 1057. The one general exception to hatred in her heart at present is Angela, whom she has strong feelings for, but which as yet have not been enough to turn her from her path.
Demona's hatred of humanity is still fueled in part by her repressed guilt. She knows deep down inside that she is responsible in part for the Wyvern Massacre, but is unwilling to consciously admit it, and perforce makes the human race her scapegoat, to avoid facing the blood on her hands. She also continues to have a strong craving for power, hoping that when she destroys humanity and gargoyles subsequently rule the world, she will rule over them.
Demona is currently immortal and unaging thanks to the spell that the Weird Sisters placed upon her in 1040. This spell also ensures that she can only die if she kills Macbeth or he kills her. Demona can still be temporarily killed, or wounded, however. If Macbeth is close enough at the time that such an event happens, he will feel her pain - and vice versa, thanks to the magical link between them.
At present, Demona turns into a human during the daytime thanks to a magical gift that Puck bestowed upon her, taking on human form at dawn and reverting back to a gargoyle at sunset. The process is very painful, and Demona's one consolation for this is that if Macbeth is close enough, he can share her pain. Her human alias, at present, is Dominique Destine, the CEO of Nightstone Unlimited. [Demona will still have this feature by 2198, although her human alias by that period is unknown to us as yet.]
Demona is a cunning and resourceful opponent, and a good fighter. However, her anger and hatred have a tendency to interfere with her plans; she will in the heat of battle make the mistake of using her laser cannon as a club rather than firing it, for example, and she will often alienate her allies or betray them, thus losing their assistance permanently. This has, fortunately, resulted in Demona's efforts to destroy humanity all failing.
Physically, Demona is an attractive female gargoyle with a shock of red hair and pale blue skin. She is usually armed with a mace or a laser cannon. Her human form is that of an attractive red-haired woman, with a striking resemblance to her gargoyle form (close enough, in fact, that the muscular structure of her human head and her gargoyle head, according to a computer program of Robyn Canmore's are virtually identical).
Demona was named by Macbeth in 1040, following his coronation. He bestowed the name upon her, not in a description of her moral character (however appropriate it might seem), but rather because she fought like a demon.
Demona currently resides alone in a mansion [in Gramercy Park], with appropriate decorations such as a door-knocker shaped like a demon's head.
Othello's mate. [She was hatched in 938, alongside the rest of her rookery generation,] and when she grew up, fell in love with Othello and he with her. But Iago desired her for himself, and tried to trick Othello into believing that Desdemona and Goliath were lovers. Fortunately, Desdemona convinced Othello that she was indeed faithful to him, and peace was restored.
Desdemona and Othello were among the slain in the Wyvern Massacre of 994, but Xanatos and Demona used pieces of her, as well as of Othello and Iago, in creating Coldstone. Because Coldstone was constructed from the parts of these three gargoyles, all three gargoyle souls were restored within him, and after his raid on the Golden Cup Building, began to vie with one another for control of him. Iago once again tried to convince Othello that Desdemona and Goliath were lovers, but Desdemona was able to prevent it in the end, and they and Goliath defeated Iago in the struggle for control of Coldstone's body.
United once more, Othello and Desdemona's souls were happy together, so happy that Othello decided at first to ignore Iago's schemings when Demona and Macbeth took control of the cybernetic gargoyle's body. However, Desdemona finally convinced him of his duty to the rest of the clan (with a little help from the Weird Sisters), leading to Othello at last deposing Iago from his control of Coldstone's body and thus saving Elisa and the clan from Demona and Macbeth.
Puck and Alex finally re-housed Desdemona's soul in the robotic body of Coldfire, after temporarily placing it in Angela's body during the interim. She now accompanies Coldstone under her new robot name.
[Othello and Desdemona are the biological parents of Gabriel, although it is doubtful that they would consider this important or see themselves in such a light.]
<Desdemona's name was never actually used in the series, but merely in the ending credits to "Legion" and "High Noon"; her name does not actually exist in the Gargoyles Universe as Coldfire's does. The name is borrowed from Shakespeare's "Othello", thanks to her role in "Legion" having a strong echo of the original Desdemona in the play, whom Iago falsely accused to Othello of having an affair with Cassio.>
- Demona's human alias, first developed by her in Paris. She used this alias when she tricked Macbeth into falling in love with her and marrying her, and still uses it in her current role as CEO of Nightstone Unlimited.
[Real name: Harry Monmouth.] A mercenary of Australian origins, Dingo joined the Pack when Xanatos first set it up. Like its other members, he appreciated the fame and wealth that they received, but longed for some real adventure, and so joined the rest of the Pack in hunting down the gargoyles when they first appeared in New York. They were defeated, however, and he temporarily fled to Europe afterwards.
Dingo returned to New York, however, and helped Coyote 1.0 break Jackal, Hyena, and Wolf out of prison on Riker's Island. They fought the gargoyles afterwards, but were once again defeated. The Pack turned to crime in the period following, robbing banks, which increasingly came to disgust Dingo. When Xanatos offered to upgrade the Pack, Dingo alone refused to give up his humanity, opting merely for a high-tech suit of battle armor. Indeed, he was appalled by the way that Jackal, Hyena, and Wolf eagerly renounced their humanity to become a pair of cyborgs and a wolf-man, so much so that after the Pack's third defeat that followed, he parted ways with them permanently, and went back to Australia.
Here, he accepted a job from Fox in keeping people away from the area where she and Anastasia Renard were testing the Matrix. However, his real interest in returning to Australia was to undergo some change for the better, and break with his old disreputable past as part of the Pack. He consulted a local shaman who gave him some helpful advice about going on Walkabout. When the Matrix began to run amuck, Dingo joined forces with Goliath and his companions in battling it, and finally entered the Dreamtime with Goliath to reason with the artificial intelligence. Dingo finally convinced the Matrix to stop reformatting the world in its quest for order, by pointing out to it that there was "another kind of order: law and order". The Matrix, intrigued, decided to join forces with Dingo in order to find out more about "law and order". Dingo and Matrix then went off to serve as a sort of Australian crime-fighting team, Dingo admitting that he'd rather missed the days when he and his fellow Pack-members were viewed by the public as heroes, and wanted to be a hero once again, but a genuine one.
[Dingo and Matrix did indeed become an effective force as a local "super-hero team" for Australia. But they came to the attention of the Director when he was setting up his Redemption Squad, who promptly sent Robyn Canmore after them to recruit them for his cause, once he had taken her into his employ. Dingo and Matrix will thus become part of the Redemption Squad, not quite willingly. In time to come, Dingo and Robyn Canmore will develop a stormy relationship. They will eventually become a couple, and their descendants will still be around by 2198 - and at odds with the Castaways.]
- A mysterious behind-the-scenes figure, the founder and controller of the Redemption Squad. The Director will first employ Robyn Canmore to recruit the other members of the Redemption Squad - Dingo, Matrix, Yama, and Fang - for him, and then send them on their missions. He is an enemy of Duval, and may have founded the Redemption Squad as, ultimately, a means of battling the Illuminati. In his everyday job, he is a civil servant.]
- DI-7
- An industrial-strength detergent developed by Xanatos Enterprises. Demona stole a canister of it from him, for the purpose of magically bonding it with the CV-1000 Carrier Virus, creating a plague powerful enough to destroy the entire human race.
- Tony Dracon's grandfather, and, like him, an infamous New York mobster. He and Mace Malone were partners in the 1920's, until Malone's disappearance. Since Malone disappeared with the diamonds that he and Dominic had recently stolen, without sharing them first, Dominic began to search diligently for both Mace Malone and the diamonds, even moving into Malone's old apartment at 3150 3rd Avenue, 45D, to locate some possible clues, under the alias of "G. F. Benton", a CPA. He discovered from a letter of Malone's a clue that the jewels were located within a "silver falcon", and assumed this to be the Silver Falcon night club that Malone had once operated; he therefore had his grandson Tony search for the diamonds there. In the end, however, Elisa revealed to the Dracons that the "silver falcon" was actually one of the sculptures atop the [Apex Tower]. To Dominic's disappointment, however, the falcon in question contained merely a briefcase with some marbles and a mocking note from Malone. Absolutely crushed, he was easily arrested by Elisa along with his grandson. [The utter shock of discovering what had really been concealed in the "silver falcon", and the destruction of his seventy-year-old hopes, was too much for him, decimating his sanity; he is now immured in Bellevue.]
The leader of one of New York's most prominent organized crime factions. The Dracons have long been a major criminal family in New York, going all the way back to Tony's grandfather Dominic Dracon in the 1920's, at least, and Tony has avidly followed family tradition. He is even bold enough to steal from Xanatos Enterprises.
It was such a theft, in fact, which first brought him into contact with the gargoyles. Not long after the gargoyles' re-awakening in New York, Dracon and his men stole a shipment of particle beam accelerators from Xanatos Enterprises. By coincidence, later that evening, Broadway, while visiting Elisa in her apartment, accidentally shot her with her own gun. Since Elisa had confronted Dracon over the theft at the Park Manor not long before, both Captain Chavez and Goliath made the natural error of assuming that Dracon had shot Elisa, and Goliath promptly went after Dracon to avenge Elisa upon him. Broadway, having discovered that Dracon was behind the theft of the particle beam accelerators and even selling them to various muggers in New York, went after Dracon on his own to put a stop to the trade, and there helped Goliath defeat Dracon, but also stopped him from killing the mob leader by confessing that he was the one who had shot Elisa. Goliath destroyed all but one of the particle beam accelerators remaining in Dracon's possession, and then placed the remains of that last one besides Dracon and his men to make certain that the police would connect the gang with the theft.
Dracon was quickly arrested, but managed to get out of prison, presumably by bail, not long afterwards. Joining forces with his grandfather Dominic, he began searching the cellar of the defunct Silver Falcon night club for some jewels that Mace Malone had cheated Dominic out of in the 1920's, kidnapping Matt and Elisa when they stumbled upon his operation. Broadway came to the detectives' rescue, however, and helped capture Dracon, who went to prison again.
Dracon got out on bail again not long afterwards, however, and quickly started up a protection racket, extorting money from various businesses in New York. Goliath and Broadway joined forces with Elisa again to help shut down his scheme, and this time, Dracon stayed in prison much longer. He continued to run his criminal operations behind bars, until, not long after the end of the Avalon World Tour, he became involved in a turf war with Tomas Brod. The turf war continued until Elisa, with some help from Angela and the trio, managed to get both gangs broken up. Dracon soon found himself sharing a cell with Brod, to both men's mutual annoyance.
Dracon's most distinguishing feature is a white streak in his hair, much like that of a skunk, [the result of the fright that he received from his first encounter with Goliath].
Known members of Dracon's mob include Glasses and Pal Joey.
The subject of an oath of Iago's. The exact nature of the Dragon is as yet unknown, however, (although the fact that Iago was a member of the Wyvern clan raises some interesting speculations).
It is uncertain as yet as to whether genuine dragons exist in the Gargoyles Universe, beyond the magically animated stone dragon that King Arthur and Macbeth fought in the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens.
A mysterious dimension (of a sort), where one's surroundings are molded by one's wishes and desires. Dingo's shaman mentor sent Goliath and Dingo into it in order to communicate with the Matrix and persuade it to stop reformatting the world, since it was the only place where they could communicate with it.
<In Australian legend, the Dreamtime is not actually another dimension, but rather the time when the world was newly created, and the events took place that shaped humans, animals, plants, and the earth itself as we know them today, a sort of "Mythic Age".>
- Flo Dane's real name.
A British archaeologist. She and her partner, Arthur Morwood-Smythe, discovered Merlin's secret cave [in Wales] and there found the Scrolls of Merlin. They brought them to New York for study, only to be robbed of them by Macbeth's henchmen Banquo and Fleance while just arriving. Fortunately, the gargoyles and Elisa recovered the Scrolls.
Duane and Morwood-Smythe encountered Elisa again while on holiday on Easter Island, and through her eventually came to meet and befriend Nokkar.
- [DUFF]
[The King of Scotland from 962 to 967. Duff was the eldest son of Maol Chalvim I, born in 912. When Maol Chalvim died, he placed his widow, Queen Katharine, in the charge of Duff and his younger brother Kenneth. The rival lord Indulf took advantage of this to take Katharine prisoner while Duff and Kenneth were taking Maol Chalvim's body to Iona for burial, and held her hostage to force them to recognize his usurpation of the Scottish throne.
In 962, Katharine and her son Prince Malcolm, with help from Robbie, finally freed themselves from Indulf's captivity, and thereby forced him to abdicate in favor of Duff. Duff ruled Scotland well for five years, until Indulf's son Culen returned in 967 and fought against him at the Battle of Gaine. On the first day of the battle, Duff was badly wounded, so much so that he could no longer walk. So on the second day of the battle, he was taken to the field in a horse-litter, so that his presence could at least inspire his fighting-men. Unfortunately, he was treacherously murdered by one of his bearers (who was presumably suborned by Culen). With his death, Culen won the Battle of Gaine, and Duff's family was forced to flee to northern England.
Duff was the father of Kenneth III of Scotland (997-1005).
<Duff was an actual King of Scotland, although little is known about him. In real history, he was murdered by the governor of Forres Castle in 967; this murder was used by William Shakespeare as the inspiration for his account as to how Macbeth and Lady Macbeth murdered Duncan in his play "Macbeth".
The account in the Gargoyles Universe of Duff going into his final battle in a litter recalls the tale from Geoffrey of Monmouth and Sir Thomas Malory of how Uther Pendragon, too ill to fight on foot or ride on a horse, similarly fought the Saxon invaders of Britain at Verulamium (now St. Albans) in a horse litter, although Uther, unlike Duff, was victorious.>]
- Rory Dugan's father. While on the dole for ten years, he had hopes that Rory would amount to more than he himself had, and disapproved of his son's attitude of despair. He seems to have been aware, to a certain extent, of the legacy of Cuchulain (although it is doubtful that he actually knew that Rory was Cuchulain's reincarnation), and helped guide his son to seek out Cairn na Culainn.
The present-day reincarnation of Cuchulain. A young man in Ireland, Rory felt discouraged as to his future; he did not know his true heritage, had completed school, and knew no trades. The Banshee, aware of his true nature and wishing to ensure that she would not have to battle Cuchulain again, took on a mortal guise as Molly and did all that she could to steer Rory's thoughts away from discovering that he was Cuchulain reborn; she encouraged him to commit petty thefts and even suggested that he move to America.
Rory discovered his heritage when he met Bronx, however, on Goliath and his companions' visit to Ireland on the Avalon World Tour. Bronx led him to Cairn na Culainn, where he finally discovered that he was the reincarnated Cuchulain. He took up the Gae Bolga and used it to defeat the Banshee once more. Rory now serves as the reborn Cuchulain, presumably to perform great deeds for Ireland again. [He will presumably also re-encounter Molly/the Banshee in the future, but not as an enemy.]
The King of Scotland from 1034 to 1040. [Duncan was a grandson of Maol Chalvim II] and cousin of Macbeth. By 1020, he was already the heir apparent to the Scottish throne, but feared that Findlaech would make Macbeth King of Scotland instead. To prevent this, he employed Gillecomgain the Hunter to assassinate Findlaech, and bestowed upon him the High Stewardship of Moray as a reward.
In 1032, after Duncan's oldest son Canmore was born, Duncan decided to ensure all the more that Macbeth would not be able to steal the throne from him by commanding Gillecomgain to murder Macbeth. When Gillecomgain refused, Duncan retaliated by informing Macbeth that Gillecomgain was the Hunter who had murdered Findlaech, resulting in Macbeth slaying Gillecomgain for him. Duncan afterwards succeeded Gillecomgain to the role of the Hunter.
By 1040, Duncan had become King of Scotland at last. While out for a stroll on the heath with Macbeth and their sons, Canmore and Luach, he first learned of Macbeth's alliance with Demona (when he came upon her and her clan in their stone sleep), and then encountered the Weird Sisters, who prophecied that Macbeth would someday be King of Scotland. His suspicions towards Macbeth aroused once more, Duncan promptly determined to destroy him for good, and also decided to destroy Demona's clan in case Macbeth allied with it against him. His attack upon both Clan Moray and the gargoyles forced Macbeth and Demona to become allies, and they joined forces to defeat him in battle. In that battle, Duncan was finally slain when he brought his sword down upon a magical ball that Selene had given Macbeth, which responded by destroying him in a blast of fire.
<Duncan was a historical figure, who was indeed slain by Macbeth in battle in 1040. He seems to have been a weak king, and as much of a tyrant in some ways in real history as he was in "Gargoyles". Shakespeare whitewashed Duncan in his play "Macbeth", however, portraying him as a just and kindly old man, and having Macbeth murder him in his sleep rather than overthrow him on the battlefield - the manner of Duncan's murder in the play, incidentally, seems to have been borrowed from an account in Holinshed's Chronicles of the murder of King Duff (q.v.). A great deal of Shakespeare's portrayal of Duncan in a more favorable light seems to have stemmed from the fact that he wrote the play during the reign of Duncan's descendant, James I of England and VI of Scotland.>
The mysterious head of the Illuminati. [In reality, Mr. Duval is the present-day identity of Sir Percival, a former knight of King Arthur's court and now the Fisher King, or guardian of the Holy Grail.
Percival/Duval founded the Illuminati at some point in the early 7th century, and continues to direct it even today. He has survived down through the centuries by continued use of the Holy Grail, although, because of the unscrupulous activities of the Illuminati which he, as its leader, must bear partial responsibility for, he has paid a heavy price, the exact nature of which is unknown but apparently involves some sort of physical weakening. He spends much of his time in the Grail castle of Carbonek.]
At the time that the Quarrymen were being formed, Duval personally called Xanatos by telephone at Castle Wyvern, although Xanatos showed little interest in answering his call. Presumably his call involved the gargoyles and Xanatos's sheltering of them. [Alongside concerning himself with the gargoyles, Duval will be clashing with his former liege lord King Arthur during the latter's adventures; he is also a bitter adversary of the Director. Further information on Duval can be found in the entry on Sir Percival.]
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