This web site is in no way associated with the Walt Disney Company or Buena Vista Televsion. This site is managed exclusively by Gargoyles fans, and is completely non-profit. Any copyrighted material included on this site is reproduced without permission (unless specifically labeled otherwise).
For those of you who prefer legalese:
I disclaim all warranties with regard to any copyrighted material on this web page including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall Chris Rogers or any other contributor to this web page be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortuous action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this web page. This web page is provided as is, without cost for entertainment purposes. All material pertaining to Gargoyles is copyrighted by the Walt Disney Company and Buena Vista Television, but ownership of files and the data bits within are retained by the named authors of the respective pages and by Chris Rogers where no name is given. This web site is Copyright © 1994,1998 Chris Rogers and Wyvern Web Works.
The opinions, situations, or events that are posted in chat rooms, fanfic, or other areas of this website, or in connection thereof, are solely the responsibility of the respective participants in said activity and are neither endorsed by, nor are the opinion of, the authors nor developers of this website. Wyvern Web Works, its employees, and agents hereby disclaim all responsibility for any and all controversies that may arise from the use of this public service.
Important note:
This website has been archived from the original Gargoyles Fans webserver to save it from deletion and is no longer actively maintained.
The site is only provided for historic reasons.
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For any inquiries concerning this archived version of The Gargoyles Fans website, please contact the Nightstone Systems team.