You Know You've Been Watching Too Much Gargoyles When:
- You walk by a store and your immediate thought is: "I wonder if they have Gargoyles stuff?"
- You're talking to a friend about time zone differences and he says: "I guess your gargoyles would be awake for two more hours, huh?"
- You hear anything about certain places in NYC (Brooklyn, The Bronx, ect.) and guess what your first thought is?
(Karen Setnor)
- You find yourself looking for good places to sleep through the day whenever you're walking down a city street.
- You hear something thud on your roof, and don't even think twice about it.
(The great and powerful MEGAVOLT!!!)
- You find yourself going to gothic architecture webpages rather than gothic music pages...
- The history of medieval Scotland suddenly supplants your schoolwork in importance, and rather than doing statistics problems every night, you keep digging out the encyclopaedia and looking up Kenneth II.
- You actually know that true gargoyles are rain spouts, and that technically our lads in stone form would be called "grotesques".
- You know more about the Historical Macbeth, and the House of Ceann-Mor thanks to "City of Stone" than your English Prof., and you delight in this fact constantly.
- You look up. A lot. Just in case. Especially near sunset.
- You beg the Payless store in the mall to give you one of the boxes from the sneakers because they don't make them in adult sizes, but the box art is soooooo cooooool!!!!
- You can repeat the words to the new intro along with Keith David, not just in unison, but with the same inflections.
- You can't watch Star Trek: TNG anymore because you see Will Riker and Deanna Troi, but you hear David Xanatos and Demona...and it just messes with your suspension of disbelief.
- Every time a commercial for "Dead Presidents" comes on, you make everyone in the room shut up so that you can hear Keith.
- You go to the Disney store, and end up deep in conversation with two eight year olds, to whom you are forever indebted, because they spotted those applause mugs and pointed them out to you.
- You haunt Suncoast in the hopes they will carry the merchandise, and insist on calling once a week to see if any has come in since you were last in.
(Lady Johanna Constantine)
- You play Demona as a character on more than one muck, mud, or mush.
- When you are stretching in class you growl and snarl
- You are constantly FLYING down stairs, and wear your coat unzipped so it looks that way too.
- After watching an episode, you go lurching about the house growling.
- You have Digitized every concievable sound from the show onto your computer and have it set up for every system event in Windows. (Speaking from experience, it takes about 1 hour :P )
(Adam Strohl)
- When you suddenly notice the same animation is on "Batman and Robin".
- When you notice the large number of Japanese animators and wonder if they did "Ronin Warriors".
- When you want to know what Frank Welker actually looks like.
- When you watch Star Trek: TNG and see Xanatos and Demona rooting for Capt. Picard.
- When you wonder if Patrick Stewart will appear next.
(Janell Clark)
- You skip your physics lab just so you won't miss the last part of a series you've been watching all week.
(Willow Tesseneer)
- When you tape the theme song and you listen to it 24 hours a day, everyday (or is that just me?)
- When you read about the World Series, you think about the Weird Sisters.
- When someone asks you if you want to get stoned and you say "YES!" But then you realize he's not thinking the same thing you are.
- When you start wondering what the characters are doing while the show is in reruns.
- When you're really concerned about whether Brooklyn and Angela will "hook up"
- When you don't take a good job because you'll have to work week days and miss gargoyles(and I really wanted that job too!)
(Elad Haber)
- You look at all the Gothic architecture around town, and think "That place could use a gargoyle..."
- You begin to wonder how Lexington can wear that loincloth if he has no waist.
- You begin to notice that there is ALWAYS a full moon, no matter what time of the month it is (this is especially true with really long storylines)
- That song! Get it out of my head! No! No! I can't stand it!!!! AArrrGgggghhhhH!!
- You sit in front of a computer coming up with this stuff!
- You actually look forward to writing an essay, as long as you can write one about oddly shaped water spigots...
(Heather Croft)
- When you are watching a part where Eliza is actually wearing skimpy clothing and you start to realize she's more than just a cop.(hubba hubba)
(Alex Horton)
- You can tell a friend the whole story,up to date, without missing a beat.
- After the show, you actualy think you can fly.
(Margaret Bridge)
- When you find that you and your friends are begining to act out the
parts of the characters, and deciding that you really should be going
out with one of them.
(Can't you just picture it?: "No, I told you, I am NOT going to take this from you guys. And STOP calling me ANGIE!!!!!!")
(Alisa C.)
- You are constantly barring your fangs at people. (and you file your canines to look that way.)
- You are invited to a Hallowen party and guess what you come as.
- You perk up instantly whenever New York is menchioned
- All your friends are eather interested in Gargoyles, Dragons or anything of that nature.
- When ever you yawn you give a frightening cat-like screech.
- And most inportant of all is that you can come up with this stuff.
(The Fire Lizard)
- You come home on a Friday afternoon and realize you have absolutely nothing to do.
- You go on a two week vacation to California and call home just to make sure your VCR taped the last two parts of that four-part mini-series you've been waiting for.
(Michele Raralio)
- You're forced to watch a soap opera, and try and fit certain gargoyles in plots. (ex. Brooklyn&Angela are broken up by the scheming Ophelia and Broadway, which is a good Days of our Lives cross)
(The Falcon)
- You start wearing a towel around you shoulders, cause it looks like closed wings
- Have seen an episode soo many times you can say every line with the characters, and at the same pitch and accent on the words
- You wake up in the morning, think of gargoyles. Eat lunch, Think of Gargoyles. Watch show, make Gargoyle sounds, and pretend your one of them. Go to bed really late after watching tapes you've made of the second Season, Think of Gargoyles. Dream Gargoyles.
- The can shelf of your cupboard is full of nothing but Franco-American Brand Gargoyles Pasta.
(Bruxe Lebo)
- You start believing the unexpected is "sorcery"
- You style your hair like the Weird sisters' (the 'Receading hair line' look)
- You teach your dog to climb straight up buildings and crash down walls
- You paint yourself grey and sit on the side of a building all day dressed only in a loincloth.
- Your wallpaper in Windows is a scene, any scene from the show. (Remember - use Bitmap)
- You record every episode so you can watch it anytime you want to.
- You can actually come up with this stuff!
- you start walking around on the balls of your feet, and when people look at you funny, you snarl at them.
- you drive yourself crazy at work wondering if you really did set the VCR to record the first new episode of the season.
- you've broken fingers trying to drive them into brick walls.
- you act out episodes with gargoyles action figures, and try your best to imitiate each one's voice.
- you've actually considered wearing a loincloth to work.
- You don't use elevators anymore; you prefer to just climb up the side of buildings.
- your brother comes home fom Sunday School and says he just learned about David and Goliath and guess what your immediate thought is. By the way, am I the only one to notice that? (David Xanatos vs. Goliath)
(Lady Sara)
- you carry pictures of the Gargoyles around in your wallet. (Lex is is mine :)
- you feel guilty about eating the Gargoyles Pasta, even though the shapes look very little like them.
- you light candles and say magic words around any and all mirrors, just in case.
(Becky Veverka)
- You see the words: broad, brook, dog, blind, or others, and guess what the first thing you think of is!
- You are writing one of these lists.
- You belong to the "Miniclan", "Avalon clan", "Labyrinth clan", or "Castle Ska"
- You hate Nelvana
- You now hate fables because of the annoying morals.
- You have read "A Midsummer Nights Dream" or "MacBeth" because of Gargoyles. (That would be me!)
- You are watching the Disney channel right as you read this.
- You are taking the time to figure out that now i am babbling! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
(Laura Christiansen)
- if you actually know who the voices are for the characters.
- if you actually start saying Latin incantations to put people to sleep, control them, etc.
- when you can name the episode and tell about it when all you've seen of it is the "Last Time"s.
(Eagle of Arabia)
- You're directing A Midsummer Night's Dream and you lend the actors garyole vidoe tape to see how Puck, Oberon, and Titania are REALLY supposed to act.
- You brag to all your friends about having the entire Awakenings string on tape.
- You actaully take the time to translate all of their Latin incantations into English.
- ou actually remember the guy with the pie gun from previous episodes.
- You frequently believe you are being followed.
- You watched the episode of the X-Files in which they believed gargoyles were attacking people, and frequently argued, "Nah, they don't attack like that... it's not their nature."
- You compare Elisa and Matt to Scully and Mulder.
- You run through vast fields pretending you are in mideival Scotland.
- Axes begin to talk to you.
(John P. Martin)
- you have an urge to go to Scotland to see what it looks like and if gargoyles live there.
- ...to see if Castle moray (Macbeth's castle) is there.
- you dress your dog up as Bronx for halloween, Better yet think how cute he/she would look as the cute Lexington
- you throw a fit when your parents/rookerysibs change the channel when you were watching the show and you happend to be taping it!!
- Every time someone makes you mad, you start growling and crouching in the 'kill' position
- You go leaping off high places just to get a feel for it. (How many broken bones do you have NOW?)
- You start practising your latin and you're unsuprised when you get 99% on your exam.
- When someone annoys you, you point your finger at them and start chanting
- You have memorized the lines of your favorite episodes (come on...admit it :)
(Dionne Hunt)
- your computer crashes and the first thing you worry about is wether or not all your Gargoyle soundbits are still there.
- you start smirking like David Xanatos.
- you find the word "Indeed" creeping into your vocabulary more and more often. (Guilty!)
- you've ever tried to go the whole day with using only one hand... intentionally.
- you considered getting a tattoo like Fox's. (Also guilty, but I chickened out at the last minute.)
- you considered getting an Eye of Odin of your very own. (I have plans for a tattoo'd necklace of it...)