Willie's Top Ten List
Top Ten Things That Really Piss Off the Gargoyles:
- Elisa refuses to get toilets installed in the library so Goliath and the boys can get some serious reading done.
- End up sleeping in some gutter cause some dumbass human thinks daylight savings time actually changes the amount of daylight.
- Have problems buy crack even in NYC because when they are asked if they want to buy some rocks their immediate response is "No, I have plenty when I wake up.
- People always complaining about the artwork, maybe things *did* look like that?
- Took 1000 years for humans to realize that accent was so damned annoying.
- No choice other than beating up muggers, only thing on TV is them damned infomercials.
- Goliath constantly being asked if he is really Batman on steroids.
- Dicovery channel keeps backing out of their deal to do the nature special until Goliath can promise a mating scene.
- Helicopters, computers, no problem. Elevator doors, now there's
something to ponder.
and the number one thing that really seems to piss off those Gargoyles is.. - Still hasn't gotten Brett Favre's autograph no matter how many times they go hang out with The Pack.
Willie Williams