Susannah's Top Ten List
Top Ten Things I Won't See on Gargoyles
- A maniac chipping a gargoyle "statue"
- For that matter...a maniac accidently pushing a gargoyle "statue "off the edge!
- I have a question. What the heck was the Loch Ness Monster thing all about? (Not that I didn't like it. :)
- Elisa getting a new hair dew!
- A female having a non-skimpy outfit. (exspeshaly Demona!)
- A female on the gargoyles' team.
- Broadway getting trapped in a huge Reses peanut-butter cup and eating his way out!
- The gargoyls brush ing their teeth.
- Someone seeing the gargoyles break away from their stone covering.
and the number one thing is: - iza wearing sneakers!!!
Susannah Gullo