Stephanie's Top Ten List
Top Ten Places Avalon Won't Send Them Next
- The Great Mall of America (Elisa FINALLY gets some NEW CLOTHES!!!!!)
- McDonald's (Goliath: "Ah, we'll have 16 Big Macs, 27 orders of fries, and 4 milkshakes. Can I have some raw steaks with that?")
- Las Vegas (Elisa: "Goliath, where's the Phoenix Gate?"
Goliath: "Ah, ummm......well....I ran out of money, and, uh...") - The Tunnel of Love ('nuf said)
- The Golden Globe Awards ("And the Award for MOST DRAGGED OUT PLOTLINE goes to...")
- Jurassic Park (Angela tries to befriend the Velociraptors...)
- MTV's Singled Out (Goliath: "Let's get rid of "Blue and Deranged.")
- Ricki Lake ("Today we'll be talking about psychopathic homicidal 1000-year old ex-girlfriends...Goliath, let's start with you...")
- Jeopardy (Angela: "I'll take 'Magical Talismans' for 500, Alex.")
and the number one Place Avalon WON'T Send Them Next - Manhattan!
Stephanie Lostimolo