Scott's Top Ten List
The Top Ten Post-Avalon 'The Hero Reborn' Plots We Don't Want to See:
- The Travellers show an American youth how to tap into the full strength of his cultural heritage, and channel the power of Beavis and Butthead.
- The new hero embodies the eternal struggle between the Red Sox and the Yankees.
- "Unbeknownst to you, you are truly the long-lost descendant of the gods of Greater Upper Eastern Novo-Latvo-Sibirsk." "But Greater Upper Eastern Novo-Latvo-Sibirsk never *had* any gods."
- The living avatar of Cthulhu...
- "Well, yes, I believe in the legends all right, but I don't particularly want to participate. It's not that I don't think the world needs protecting, I just think you could do a decent job of it on your own. Sorry."
- A French lad gains the proportionate strength and agility of Jerry Lewis.
- "I am... the New Achilles." *THWAP* "Pity about that heel."
- "Now, take up your destiny as Icarus reborn!" "Okay!" [The hero proceeds to fly too close to the sun, dry out his wings to the point where they break, and fall to his death.] "We lose more Icaruses that way."
- Barney Reborn!
and the number one 'The Hero Reborn' Plot We Don't Want To See... - The Travellers come across a young Japanese martial artist in the mountains of China, and have to throw him into the Spring of Drowned Girl.
Scott Johnson