Richard's Top Ten List
Top Ten Things You'll Never see on Gargoyles:
- Owen asks Xanatos if he should release the hounds
- Hyena sits down and questions Coyote about their relationship
- Bronx discovering that the Gargoyles found him on the set of Ghostbusters
- Everyone starts calling Xanatos "Number one"
- Elisa suddenly realises why she's been sick in the morning!
- Hudson discovers the wonders of the Home Shopping Network
- MacBeth suddenly pulls out a timer and says "Oh dear, time another slide!"
- Demona gets her own talk show...But no one even notices she's the weird one!
- Xanatos turns to Owen and says "Make it so!"
and the number one thing we'll never see on Gargoyles - The Gargoyles awaken only to find they've been bombed by pigeons!
Richard Jordan