Paul's Top Ten List
Top Ten Things You'll Never Hear on 'Gargoyles':
- Xanatos to Owen: "Release the flying hounds, Owen!"
- Demona at Sunset: "God, I hate this time of the day!"
- Broadway to a local New Yorker: "Excuse me, where's the nearest McDonalds?"
- Lexington to a Secret Service Agent: No, I did not hack into the Pentagon computers and asked it to play 'Global Thermonuclear War!"
- Fox to Owen: "Mr. Burnett, It's your turn to change Alexander's diaper."
- Elisa to Matt Bluestone: "Is that a small piece of rock on your shoulder, or is that dandruff?"
- David Xanatos to a tech at Microsoft: "What do you mean I have a faulty Windows 95 operating system??!!"
- Angela to Demona: "Uh mom, who does your hair??"
- Coldstone: am I human, or am I Klingon, or....Ah what the HECK am I!!!!"
and the number one thing you'll never hear on 'Gargoyles' is: - Goliath to Elisa: Uh, Elisa? I was just wondering how uh....ummm..... uhhhh... you 'do it?'" :)
Paul Bender