Nikki's Top Ten Lists
The Top Ten *Good* Reasons why Gargoyles is Better Than X-Men (The Show):
- 1 word--Wings
- Better fitting regular clothes.
- The Animation!
- The phisophical babble Goliath spews is far more beleivable than Beast's.
- There leader is actually useful.
- Does Beast or Wolverine ever roar?...They may scream but...do they roar?
- SCOTT! JEAN! Oh, shutup, already! Most elequently stated by Elisa and Goliath.
- Goliath doesn't whine about somebody not following his orders all the time.
- New shows!
and the number one good reason why Gargoyles is better than X-Men the show... - There seems to be...yes, I think it is...Enemies!!!
The Top Ten Coolest SoundBytes in Gargoyles
- That thud when someone--namely a big heavy winged creature--hits the ground.
- That wing-gliding sound when they jump off the tops of buildings.
- Goliath's roar.
- Elisa's yelp when she falls of a building. Is she just in the wrong place at the wrong time or what?
- Demona's tiger growl!
- The Explosions, man! Hey, there should be and episode where something blows up every 5 seconds... wait, there's already been one. (Coldstone)
- Bronx's panting. Let's you know he's there(smile).
- That weirdo crunching sound when Broadway eats soft food.
- Thalogs' manical laughter.
and the number one cool soundbyte from Gargoyles... - Jalapena!
The Top Ten Things I'd like to see on Gargoyles
- ird sisters die their hair the same color. Goodness no!
- Hudson & Bronx in an episode all their own. Let's give the old guy and his dog some action!
- Elisa and Goliath express their love in one of those touching Beauty and Beast scenes.
- Keith and Thom switch voices.
"Whoa, lay off the testosterone, Lex."
"Goliath, have you been sucking on a balloon?" - Xanatos and his groupies completely switch with the Gargoyles. Let's see if Goliath can come up with a diabolical shceme Xanatos can't figure out in 22 min.
- Weird sister *not* finising each other sentences!
- Someone actually listens ot us and CHANGES these people's clothes. Elisa's jacket has got to be reeeeal funky by now.
- A...smurf! Hiya Paul.
- The Phoenix Gate goes haywire and they're all transported to the
and the number one thing I'd like to see on Gargoyles... - HEAVEN'S TO BETSY...SHE STAYED ON THE BUILDING!!!
Nikki T Jones