Neva's Top Ten List
My Tippy Top Ten Gargoyle Amalgamations:
- David Xanatos and John Lovitz's Lying Character
David: Actually, Owen, I *knew* that was going to happen, yeah! That's the ticket! - Lexington and MacGuyver
- MacBeth and Connor Macleod (Had to put that one in, though overly used...but...Christopher Lambert is on my watch!!)
- David Xanatos and The Brain
- Doctor Sevarius and Dr. Frank N Furter
- Owen and Pinky
- Elisa Maza and Officer Krupsky (Y'know, that one guy from West Side Story...)
- Demona and Vivian Alamian (Days of Our Lives)
- Owen and Ivan (Again, Days of Our Lives)
and the number one character amalgamations IS: - David Xanatos and Owen Burnett are....Laverne and Shirley!
Neva 'Mice' Huddleston