Nayla's, Ellsway's & Elaine's Top Ten Lists
Top Ten Puzzles About Gargoyles:
- When will Bronx grow up?
- What is that blue mark over Fox's eye?
- What the heck was Titania talking about when she said she was repaying a favor?
- What do Una and Leo think now that Griff is missing, AGAIN?
- Is Puck ever going to come back?
- Will Demona ever use Titania's mirror again?
- What was Puck doing in that mirror anyway?
- Gargoyles, elves, talking animals, what's next; fairies?
- Gargoyles, humans, elves . . . next thing you know there will be
and the number one puzzler - Is the gargoyles TV show the new source of income for the STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION cast?
Top Ten Why's:
- Why was Elisa so quick to accept the gargoyles?
- Why can't Xanatos find where the gargoyles live?
- Why is it that when ever someone joins Xanatos's team they are replaced by a 'Xanatos clone'?
- Why can't Macbeth deside whose side he's on?
- Why did Lexington have hair when he was a human and not when he was a gargoyle?
- For that matter, why did Broadway?
- Why is it that when ever there is a fight and the castle is damaged the next time you see it it looks like brand new?
- Why did the other gargoyles stay on Avalon?
- Why hasn't anyone else found Avalon?
and the number one why for Gargoyles - Why can't Hudson's sword make up its mind on whether or not to turn to stone?
Top Ten Xanatos Puzzles
- Is Xanatos in an eternal sleep? (Did Owen forget to set the alarm clock?)
- When are Xanatos and Fox going to find time to rasie a screaming baby?
- When will Xanatos run out of money?
- Exactly how many buisnesses does Xanatos own?
- How did Xanatos move the castle from Scottlin to New York?
- And how the heck does that Skyscraper hold it up?
- What will Xanatos think when he finds out who Angela's parents are?
- Why doesn't Xanatos just crush them and get it over with?
- I thought every human had to have a heart to live, so how come Xanatos
is still alive?
and the number one Xanatos puzzle (okay so it is a question about Owen, so what?) - Doesn't Owen know by now that it costs and ARM and a leg to work for this guy?!
Top Ten Avalon Mysteries
- Will Goilath and the others ever get home?
- Isn't Matt out there looking for Elisa?
- Exactly how full IS Elisa's mail box?
- Shouldn't the other gargoyles be bouncing off the walls wondering where Goliath and the others are?
- Goliath and Elisa have traveled everywhere, where to next? Under the sea?
- How about Minnesota?
- Will Elisa still have a job when she comes back?
- If not, then what?
- Gargoyles in space, need I say more?
and the number one Avalon mystery - What happens if Elisa, Goliath, Angela and Bronx are needed in two places at once?
Top Ten Gargoyle's Mysteries
- How long can Fang live in that... thing?
- When did Lexington start taking modern tecnology classes?
- What does Hudson find on that TV to watch?
- Where are the Tadloids in New York? Are they blind?
- Where do the gargoyles get their food, or do they eat at all?
- How much does a cop get payed in New York... enough to feed 10?!
- Where can I find someone like Owen to work for me?
- Kids are showing up everywhere, next thing you know Demona will be pregnant!
- If Demona has a kid, will Macbeth feel it?
and the number one Gargoyles mystery - How many people HAVE the gargoyles sent to the mental ward?
Questions, Questions, Ten More Questions:
- When are they going to add some more characters to the show that are going to STAY on the show?
- Where are all the girl gargoyles?
- Can gargoyles get sick?
- How do Broadway's wings support his weight?
- What ever did happen to Mace Malone?
- What will Matt do now that he is a member of the Illuminati?
- When will Goliath learn that a human and gargoyle can't go any further then friendship?
- What would the show be like if the humans and gargoyles traded places, for keeps?
- Don't the gargoyles celebrate any holidays?
and the number one question - Doesn't the police station notice that their electric bill has gone UP! lately?
Hello Again! Top Ten Questions's
- So when are the gargoyles going to have their 1,000th year reunion?
- Where did Goliath, Brooklyn, and Lexington learn to read?
- Who is supporting the gargoyles while Elisa is on 'vacation'?
- How did the boat end up in the University Pool?
- Aren't there any kids in New York?
- What would happen if a kid made friends with a gargoyle?
- How long do Gargoyles live?
- What would happen if a gargoyle fell 'asleep' over an ocean?
- Why not have a gargoyle that doesn't turn to stone but stays in gargoyle
form during the day (like me)?
and the number one: - "So Elisa, what's it like being in love with a gargoyle?"
Top Ten... well you've heard this all before so we think we'll just skip it, you know what we are talking about.
- If a gargoyle turned to stone while touching a human, would that human turn to stone?
- Where does Demona get all of her laser guns?
- Goliath is always having to save Elisa, let's have Elisa save him for once!
- Why does Angela always get her butt kicked in a fight?
- What will Demona think when she finds out she has a daughter?
- What would happen if the princess and Magus left one of the eggs in the rockery?
- Why is gargoyles turning in to a soap opera?
- Do the eggs turn to stone during the day?
- Just how long is the night in New York?
and the number one question: - Why do their clothes turn to stone along with their bodies?
Top Ten Annoying Things About the Show That I Have to Ask About:
- Did Goliath and Demona have anymore children?
- Will Demona dop her evil ways and go back after Goliath?
- Why can't Demona see that Thailog is just using her?
- Why didn't the gargoyles have names?
- Of all the names, why did the trio have to pick streets?
- Why did Hudson name himself after a lake?
- Why was Goliath the only one with a name?
- Why do the gargoyles protect humans?
- How do the gargoyles get so strong?
and the number one annoying... you get the idea - Why was Kathrine such a jerk?!
Top Ten Gargoyles Questions:
- Do the gargoyles (besides Hudson) dream?
- Can Broadway get any fater?
- Where did the first gargoyle come from?
- Can Lexington get any smarter?
- Where did Oberon's children come from?
- Why haven't the humans ever heard of Oberon's children?
- Will we ever see Derick get a job? (as an electrition maybe?)
- Where did Brooklyn learn to ride a motorcycle?
- Why do the gargoyles turn to stone?
and the number one - When is the bank going to put up that sign by Elisa's house that says FOR SALE?
You've Seen Our Other Lists, These are the Leftovers
- What were Demona and Thailog doing in France?
- Savarios made one clone, what's to stop him from making another?
And finally (yes folks we are done) (but we'll be back) - Isn't anyone going to thank us for all these wonderful lists?
Top Ten New Characters You Should Add to Gargoyles:
- Have one of the trio become friends with a kid in Manhatten
- A gargoyle that is immortal and has seen the years gone by (they'd make a heck of a history teacher)
- A modern day wizard/enchantress who is not good but yet is not bad
- A character who switches sides often and is not to be trusted
- Have Elisa fall in love with someone else for a few episodes (what would Goliath say?)
- A gargoyle who knows where the first gargoyle came from and they explain (the mystery is really starting to get to me)
- A shadowy character (gargoyle or human) who drops in many times and helps the gargoyles out, doesn't revial his true identity
- A human with special powers, like ESP or something (hey the show needs something new)
- A human gargoyle crossbread, human by day and gargoyle by night but
human and gargoyle are two very diffrent people (just like my friends
Elaine & Ellsways)
and the number onenew character you should add to Gargoyles - A gargoyle who was made immortal, is a shape-changer, is afraid of small places because of previous years, high magical experience (in one word, ME!)
(More and more) Top Ten Questions
- Whose side is Savarius on?
- When is Q (or his voice) going to show up?
- How many more gargoyles are you going to add?
- Where did all the humans go?
- Who's going to get Angela?
- Don't you have enough clones already?
- Is Shakesphere one of your skript writers?
- Is purple your favorite color? (I mean you use it EVERYwhere)
- What the heck is the Gathering?!
and the number one question is: - Am I the only one who thinks gargoyles is turning into a soap opera?
Top Ten Things I Like About Puck
- "Big ole Daddy Oberon..." (with the finger movements)
- He's a trickster, and a good one at that
- One of the most annoying characters
- He'd be great at a party
- What he did to Demona
- How he 'out Vogeled' Vogel
- His 'props' in The Gathering Part II
- One of the few characters who can fly WITHOUT wings
- He's kinda cute
and the number onereason I like Puck so much - He bends Oberon's rules so well
Top Ten Things/People That Would Not Surprize Me If They Showed Up On Gargoyles:
- Big Blue Portal (SLIDERS)
- The Enterprise
- Spock
- Q
- Voyager
- Romeo
- Juliet
- Maskerade (Well, who do you think she is?)
- Elaine and Ellsways (hint hint)
and the number one thing that would not surprize me - If you put me on Gargoyles (even bigger hint)
Top Ten Things the Producers Better Not Put on the Show
- Power Rangers
- Sailor Moon
- Spiderman
- X-Men
- More of the fey (Though I must admit they are good for a laugh)
- More laser guns
- Another person who vows to find out what those flying things were
- More Shakespeare
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
and the number one thing that they better not add to the show - More clones
Top Ten Bad Guys I Hope They Don't Put On The Show Gargoyles
- Another crazed genetisist
- A crazed multi-millionare (oops, too late)
- A crazed ex-boyfriend
- Basically any more crazed anythings
- Another character who constantly changes sides
- A mutant Jalopina pepper
- Talking pink brain from another dimension
- Anyone from the negaverse
- More clones (am I getting my point across here?)
and the number one Bad Guy I hope They Don't Add To The Gargoyle Characters List - A magical baby (come on people, I mean besides Alexander)
The Top Ten Reasons I write All These Crazy Lists
- I got bored
- Hey, I'm a gargoyle (sometimes our egos need lifting)
- So the producers would have a place to look for extra story ideas (hint hint!)
- To give everyone an idea just how confusing this show is
- To give my views
- Xanotos told me to! (just kidding)
- I'm addicted to my computer
- I'm hopping Lexington will find his way on to this page
- People like to read them (I hope)
and the number one Reason I Write All These Annoying Lists - Because when you're 995 years old you run out of things to fill your day
Nayla, Elaine, & Ellsway Stone