Michael's Top Ten List
The Top Ten List of Things I Would Like to See in the '96 Season
- Some kind of follow-up on Merlin or Nokkar, the alien sentinel. (definite possibilities for epic threads, IMO)
- The reappearance of the Phoenix Gate in the hands of a time-travelling adult Alexander Xanatos.
- To repay his debt to Goliath, Renard hires a *good* scientist to find a cure for Derek and the mutates.
- A cult of gargoyle worshipping fanatical humans forms. (Oh, wait, we already have plenty of those ;) )
- The general public of the world discovering and reacting to the existence of gargoyles. (Do they have the same civil rights as humans?)
- A power struggle between the Illuminati and the Fey.
- A concerned government investigating Xanatos' covert use of genetics, mysticism, and highly advanced technology. (The man has nearly enough resources to take over the nation!)
- Demona finally coming to terms with her anger and leaving Goliath's clan alone for the sake of her daughter.
- Xanatos diverting MacBeth's link with Demona to himself, giving MacBeth
freedom and Xanatos immortality.
and the number one thing I Would Like to See in the '96 Season is: - Dragons! ('nuff said)
Michael Ward