Melissa's Top Ten Lists
Top Ten Good Things About Owen's New Arm:
- No diaper duty when Xanatos Jr. (Fox Jr?) arrives!
- He now has an unbeatble left hook.
- It makes a great excuse to ask Mozenrath what's under his glove.
- He has his very own pet rock that can go anywhere with him.
- He doesn't have to worry about getting shaky hands when he drinks too much tea.
- It's the perfect counterbalance for when he goes bowling.
- He can wear a black glove over it and go for that "Return of the Jedi" look.
- Talk about cool stories for the grandkids! (Why, Davy, when I was your age, we couldn't even afford to have arms!)
- He gets to run the fast-growing support group for "Physically
or Genetically Altered Past and Present Employees." (Meetings held
every Thursday at seven, or the first good updraft thereafter.
Refreshments include tea, cookies, Valvoline, and *very* fresh
pigeon. [see Top Ten Bad Things About Owen's New Arm])
And the best thing about Owen's new arm is: - Twice as many Owen figures on sale at Walmart for the holidays! (one with new arm, one with old)
Top Ten Bad Things About Owen's New Arm:
- Turning on the windshield wiper in the limo.
- Dialing numbers on his cellular phone.
- Forgetting about it and trying to scratch his nose.
- Golf is basically out of the picture. (On second thought, maybe this belongs in the other list!)
- So much for being the perfect British gentleman; when he eats, he's going to have to cut his food into pieces, *then* eat it. (Morag sez this is uncouth and that one should always cut off bitesized pieces as one dines.)
- The "Little Bunny Foo-Foo" song is a thing of the past.
- Spellcasting is going to become a lot more difficult (for the Owen-as-fay-and/or-Magus sect).
- One word: pigeons!
- Trying to explain it on a Worker's Comp form. ("Mr. Burnett,
will you please describe *again* how your left arm turned to
stone?" "It was a freak accident involving a microwave oven and
non-dairy powdered creamer.")
And the worst thing about Owen's new arm is: - Being followed around all day by Xanatos and Fox singing, "Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place."
Merlin Missy