Mauro's Top Ten List
Top Ten Similarities Between Gargoyles Characters and Other Characters on TV:
- Goliath and Batman. Except for...well, a lot of things. Hey, it's only No. 10, all right?
- Owen Burnett has the same "service has its own reward" - attitude as Alfred the butler
- Xanatos' Swat Team has some resemblance with the Star Wars storm troopers. They talk more, though.
- Hudson and Al Bundy - as far as the TV watching is concerned.
- Lexington is just as fond of computers as Billy, the blue Power Ranger. Is just not as nerdy.
- Brooklyn could be mistaken for anyone of the male cast on 90210.
- Eliza is a reflection of April on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Anybody remember?
- Broadway - If he's not Homer Simpson I don't know who else.
- Coldstone and the Terminator - do I need explain?
and the number one similarity: - Cagney - She looks exactly like Ices, Catwoman's cat on Batman, the animated series.
Mauro A. Canepa