Matthew's Top Ten List
Top Ten Things that Will Never be Seen on Gargoyles:
- Thailog taking Ross Perot's place to run for President (after all, he's got 20 billion dollers)
- Ponderosa workers trying to get Broadway out of their all you can eat buffet
- Demona trying to get on Opra (a gargoyle and a human who can't keep their vows)
- Talon taking his old police job back.
- Angela ever mating with the trio, yet never with Gabriel, either
- Lexington getting his very own web site
- Hudson being reconized as the longest living creature on the face of the earth.
- Matt being forced by the Illuminati to marry Elisa
- Oberon ever growing up (mentally)
- Thailog fighting for a spot on Hooser Millionare
Matthew Shoemaker