Mark's Top Ten List
Top Ten Things We'd (I'd) Like to See on Gargoyles, but Never Will:
- Brooklyn walking into a toy store and trashing the place because on misrepresentation.
- Coldstone carrying around a can of oil, singing "If I only had a heart"
- Steelclan vs. Short Circut
- Gargoyles walking into Wal-Mart, shoping for plaster-of-paris. (had to add it)
- Owen saying "No"
- Jackal and Hyena going to pieces.
- Gargoyles taking on the rest of the DA lineup.
- Goliath meeting with Clinton and Gore, discussing the rise in violence in the city.
- Goliath's voice crack.
and the number one thing is: - Robbyns, feeling Hudson's face for the first time. (Hudson, what big teeth you have!)
Mark Hahn