Kredlash's Top Ten Lists
Top Ten Things I'd Like to See on Gargoyles (in no real order)
- The Gargoyles do a MST3K job on Hunchback of Notre Dame (Brooklyn: "What, did you get sawed in half, you miserable excuses for gargoyles?!")
- Xanatos gets the sheist beat out of him.
- The Gargoyles meet their new dread enemies... CIRCUS CLOWNS!!! AAAGH!!!
- Talon gets cast in the next Batman movie. ("I'm Bat-Cat! Um... nevermind.")
- George Clooney does a guest appearance as a Gargoyle slayer (or something to that effect)
- The Steel Clan is recycled and used as can openers
- Coldstone running around in a circle saying "I am the atomic-powered robot! Please give my best wishes to EVERYbody!"
- Jackal or Hyena getting a safe dropped on them (they deserve it)
- Someone swearing. Let's face it, Xanatos saying Hell is just not good enough.
- The cast of Tiny Toons co-stars and gets eaten by Bronx
Top Ten Things We'll Never Hear on Gargoyles (in no real order):
- "No, I am NOT a big purple bat."
- "God d*** it you stupid mother f****ing son of a b****!!!"
- "Goliath, what are you doing! No! Don't let go!
AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa..."(splat) - "BOOYAH!"
- "Hey Elisa, can I play with this grenade?"
- "Oh Goliath.... come to bed..." "HeheheheHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEhehehehehe..."
- "Mr. Xanatos, we've been bought out by Disney."
- Broadway reads a book he found:"Th... The Joy of... S... E...X... HEY!"
and the number one thing we'll never hear on Gargoyles... - "Dammit Lex, stop trying to find porn on the Internet!" (hehe, sorry...)