Kiva's Top Ten Lists
Top Ten Reasons Elisa Never Changes Her Clothes:
- She hasn't really got the time, too busy falling off buildings and all.
- Goliath likes that worn look.
- Her jacket matches her car.
- The animators are too used to it.
- She doesn't have enough money, being a cop doesn't pay well and she hasn't got the time for part time job.
- Why?
- Matt might mistake her for Scully ("The truth is out there Scully...wait a minute...DAMNITT! Elisa, you weren't supposed to know about this secret identity thing!")
- She likes those tight fitting jeans while mooning of tall, purple, and ugly.
- How would she ever explain to her mother that she wasn't wearing the
clothes Mrs. Maza sent for Christmas?
and the number one reason Elisa doesn't change her clothes is: - She's got that nifty red leather jacket!
Top Ten Things I Must See on Gargoyles:
- Xanatos's plan going totally wrong.
- Broadway losing a few pounds.
- Brooklyn getting a girlfriend.
- Hudson getting a life.
- Bronx getting some attention.
- Hudson actually going somwhere besides a fight scene.
- Goliath reading a comic book.
- Demona with brushed hair.
- Elisa in a BLACK leather jacket.
and the number one thing I MUST see on Gargoyles: - Elisa and Goliath going BEYOND kissing.
Top Ten Lines We Will Never Hear on Gargoyles:
- Owen: With all due respect sir, up yours.
- Broadway: Wow, I never knew fasting was so good!
- Alexander at the age of ten: No, Dad, I want to be my own person. World domination just isn't my thing.
- Brooklyn: Guess what guy's? I joined a rock band!
- Demona (in a support group): I LOVE YOU GUYS!
- Elisa: Mom, I met this great guy the other day...yes, he's human.
- Matt: No, Elisa, life is normal. I gave up that conspiracy crap.
- The Chief and Elisa's conversation:
Chief: Maza, you dissapear every night beofre duty! Why are you always going up to the clock tower?
Elisa: No...reason...in particular...ummmmm...just admiring the view. - Brooklyn: My dear chap, shall we sup?
and the number one thing we won't hear on Gargoyles is: - Xanatos to Fox: Sorry dear, not tonight, I have a headache.
Kiva Smith Pearson