Kenna's Top Ten List
Top Ten Reasons Elisa and Goliath Should Get Together:
- Goliath could feel right at home at Maza family reunions w/ Elisa's brother there.
- As every Gargoyle fan knows; Elisa really FELL for Goliath from the beginning.
- You just don't see many of those inter-special relationships in the afternoon lineup anymore.
- If Demona ever got jealous... What an episode that would be!
- A kid that turns to stone during the day so it doesn't need a sitter fits quite nicely into the life of a NY detective.
- Elisa can truly brag about her man being a real animal.
- Goliath really needs to settle down w/ a nice girl who doesn't spend every night of her life trying to kill or ensnare him.
- If they ever want to dance, Angela Lansbury can come in & sing for them.
- They can live on a very limited budget; neither one seems to spend much
on his or her wardrobe.
and the number one reason Elisa and Goliath should be together: - Not just any old couple can kiss like that and still manage to avoid slicing up a mouth w/ fangs. It was meant to be...
Kenna Street