Kelly's Top Ten Lists
Top Eight Colors that Should Never be Used on a Gargoyle
- schoolbus yellow (cutting it kind of close, eh Lex?)
- Chartruse (yeah. . . "What's that bright yellow green thing up there? an UFO??)
- Neon Orange (see above)
- Neon Green (#9)
- Hot Pink (do you see a pattern here?)
- The color of my carpet (at least I hope there are no teal gargoyles, that would REALLY look wierd)
- Bright Blue
- ORANGE!! (eeewwww. . . . )
Top Ten Things that Peeve Me About Gargoyles:
- Goliath is the only one who never gets his tooshie kicked.
- Lex and Brooklyn always get their tooshies kicked
- Hudson is ALWAYS portrayed as lazy, tired and old
- Broadway is ALWAYS portrayed as obnoxious, loud and hungry
- Elisa can't do ANYTHING by herself (give her a little credit)
- Fox's readiness to sacrifice Lex for Alexander (Garg.: Goliath Chron., eps. 2)
- People who are saved by the gargs and still call them monsters (i.e.- MARGOT, awakening part 2 or 3)
- People who get the crap kicked out of them by gargs and STILL think they can fight better.
- Not being able to watch TV the day that one of the eps I have not seen is on. (there are only 9 out of the first 64 eps that I have not seen)
- Little kids who say Gargoyles is their favorite show, and they can't even remember any of the characters' names.
Kelly Creighton