Kayla's Top Ten(?) List
Top Twelve Things We'll Never See on Gargoyles (but I'd like to...)
- Broadway and Angela making out like bandits.
- Broadway and Angela at a college or high-school event...in formal wear.
- Angela and the Trio having a wild party.
- Angela involved in a catfight. (With Delilah?) Or--bad pun alert--with Maggie?)
- Angela slapping Brooklyn for trying to cop a feel. (I can just imagine it. Angela: Keep your _grubby_ talons to yourself, beakface! *SMACK!*)
- Gargoyles from New Orleans! (I just thought of that 'cause it's one of my favorite cities.
- Brooklyn as a Rotcie! (He's just the type. If you don't know the term, consult your slang dictionary).
- Lexington spending hours online with a cyber-girlfriend.
- Demona falling deeply, desperately, agonizingly in love... with, irony of ironies, a human. (serves the bitch right!)
- Alexander Xanatos as a teenager.
- A Gargoyles/Pirates of Dark Water crossover. (I know there's one out
there, but I've been trying unsuccessfully to find it.)
and the number one thing is: - Me and my boyfriend as gargoyles!!!
Kayla A. Green