Jeffrey's Top Ten Lists
Top Ten Changes for Owen Burnett Now That Fox is "Mrs. Xanatos":
- Panty hose draped over the castle parapets to dry.
- Toilet seat must be kept in "down" position...or else...
- His-and-Her Steel Clan Robots.
- Red hairs all over the place.
- A four-pack of toilet paper just won't last a month now.
- Having to buy..."those things"...once a month at the store. (pre-"Outfoxed")
- 2 AM corporate takeover strategy meetings replaced by searching for an open grocery store for dill pickles, horseradish and pistachio ice cream. (post-"Outfoxed")
- Three-way post-dinner belching competition.
- Xanatos now has a different kind of "afternoon workout".
and the number one change for Owen Burnett now that Fox is "Mrs. Xanatos": - No more walking around in T-shirt and Boxer shorts on Sunday.
Top Ten uses for a catatonic Coldstone
- Combination book-end, candle-holder, or flower arrangement holder.
- Ugliest damn weathervane you ever saw: "Hmmm. Which way is the wind blowing, Hudson?" "Let me check Coldstone...ah. East."
- Hat and Coat Rack for Elisa when she visits.
- Chair warmer for Hudson during the day.
- Broadway's perfect dinner companion ("You sure you don't want that? Well, okay, if you insist...").
- The ultimate cable satellite dish.
- Portable electrical outlet for Lexington.
- Chew toy for Bronx.
and the number one use for a catatonic Coldstone: - Future source of income for Michael Dorn!!!!
Top Ten rejected action figure ideas
- "Three Faces of Coldstone"
- Couch Potato Hudson (with "Channel-Surfing Action!")
- Wonderbra Demona
- Mommy-to-be Fox
- Magic Forearm Owen ("Owen dips his arm in the Magic Bath...and it turns to STONE!")
- PMS Elisa
- Anatomically-Accurate Goliath
- Body-Piercin' Brooklyn
- Growing Up Angela
and the number one rejected action figure idea: - Scratch-N-Sniff Bronx!
Top Ten changes for Gargoyles when it moves to Saturdays:
- Hudson now referred to as "Papa Gargoyle"
- The Pack is remodeled along the lines of "Inspector Gadget"
- Loincloths replaced by loose-fitting 501 jeans
- Elisa's gun replaced with a magical power sword that shoots powerful beams but doesn't hurt anyone
- "Baby Xanatos" completely vanishes (because children are evidence of SEX!)
- Broadway, Brooklyn and Lexington are sent to a "peace conference" and are replaced by three politically correct gargoyles.
- Angela is totally unrelated to ANYONE (see #6)
- Keith David is replaced by Dave Coulier (Real Ghostbuster joke)
- Dark, brooding theme replaced by "The Barney Theme"
and the number one change for Gargoyles when it moves to Saturday AM: - Bronx is "fixed"
Jeffrey Morris