Jeff's Top Ten List
Top Ten Things I'd Like To See On Gargoyles:
- The Adventures of Young Hudson, and his peppy sidekick, Lil' Goliath
- Mrs. Maza gets to meet this nice young gar-um, man Elisa is always rushing out at night to see.
- Now that Dracon is busted, Glasses goes into business for himself as an optometrist.
- Baby X's First Steel Clan Suit.
- Owen meets Don Rickles and freaks out that someone knows his true identity.
- Broadway discovers All-U-Can-Eat Night at Sizzlers.
- Macbeth joins a Drum & Bagpipe Corps.
- Lexington and Bronx develop a Lassie/Timmy relationship(What is it, Bronx? Lex is caught in a Xanatos produced deathtrap?).
- The Gargoyles start a ROCK and roll band(oy...)!
and the number one thing I'd Like To See On Gargoyles: - Cagney is kidnapped by Dr. Sevarius, gets mutated into a steriod-strong ultra-cat, and KICKS BRONX'S BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff the Reverse