Jax's Top Ten List
Top Ten Things that Will Change Once the Avalon Crew Comes Back:
- Just to see the look on Xanatos' face when he figures out he actually DIDN'T lose Goliath.
- Hudson calling Goliath out. Oh, c'mon! They were gone for at least three months! With no calls!
- Demona meets Angela, and reaction thereof. "But you were in charge of birth control!"
- Owen meets Angela, they elope to Las Vegas... Uh, I'm just kidding here...
- Angela asks why every is out so late.
- Angela actually gets away from Goliath, and stops being a hormonal, cute rebellious teenager.
- One of the younger ones asks why they bother even trying to save humans, since they're just gonna nuke themselves anyway.
- An X-Men/Gargoyles crossover.
- Elisa shaves herself bald, and runs, screaming, around the streets,
having finally cracked.
and the number one: - A rivalry hits the boys. Oh, come on. Three hormone filled boys trapped in a tower with one girl? Be serious.