Jason's Top Ten(?) Lists
Elisa's Top Three Fears
- Her mother INSISTING that she bring her boyfriend home
- Broadway falling on her
- Broadway following her to an assault weapons convention
Top Ten Things I Want to see on Gargoyles..
- For Demona to get off that PMS she's had for the last two years
- Brooklyn with a nose ring
- Lexington take over Microsoft
- Broadway on a diet (I know.. I know just about every one writes this one)
- Hudson go for an entire episode without saying "Aye" "Lass" or "Lad"
- Bronx vs. the adult Simba from The Lion King
- Demona to leave Goliath's clan the hell alone!
- The Trio finds a keg of beer.
- The Trio beat the crud out of the gargoyles from The Hunchback of Notre
and the number one thing I want to see on Gargoyles - More "Beauty and the Beast" Goliath & Elisa scenes. (They're definately a "unique" couple!)
Top Three Things I'm Getting Sick of Watching on Gargoyles
- Owen brown-nosing up to Xanatos
- Hyena's laugh! (We all saw that one coming!)
and the number one thing I'm sick of seeing on Gargoyles is - Elisa and Goliath griping about how they can't be together because they're different species. Just LET IT GO! Throw all that **** out the window and be with each other!!
Jason Lee