Julie and Isabelle's Top Ten Lists
Top Ten Things We'll Never See on Gargoyles (But we'd like to):
- Coldstone hired on the "Transformers".
- Fox hosting a Tupperware presentation.
- Owen wearing a clown outfit (with a red rubber nose, a big, curly orange wig, usw.).
- Lexington with juvenile acne.
- What happened to that steak on Elisa's stove (see 'Deadly Force').
- Bronx meeting Cagney the cat.
- MacBeth casting as himself in a staging of the play by Shakespeare, and arguing with the director about how to play his part.
- The Gargoyles doing their laundry.
- Owen poking needles through a Xanatos voodoo doll.
and the number one thing we'll never see on gargoyles - Brooklyn in a flashy white polyester suit from the 70's, an afro wig and platform shoes, dancing to the classic "Staying Alive".
Top Ten Things We'll Never See on Gargoyles (But we'd like to) - Part Deux
- A Gargoyle mobile hanging over the Xanatos baby's crib.
- Someone other than Goliath in the library.
- Elisa pregnant... by we all know who (Yeah, yeah, we know it's the biggest cliche of all. But We couldn't help it. Sorry!).
- Hudson playing cards with grampa Abe Simpson.
- Elisa actually sleeping (the poor thing does deserve it!).
- Human-form Demona having to deal with that "monthly feminine surprise".
- Goliath shaving.
- Xanatos wearing an empathy pregnancy belly after Fox has challenged him to do so (refer to the "Gordon Eliot" show).
- Broadway on Maalox.
and the number one thing we'll never see on gargoyles - Bronx gnawing at a mailman's leg.
Julie Descoteaux & Isabelle Saucier