Hugo's Top Ten Lists
Top Ten Things I Would Like to Hear on Gargoyles
- Xanatos: "and I woulda gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for those damned gargoyles, and their dog too"
- Lexington: "did I do thaaaaat?", in Steve Urkel voice
- Hudson: "hooked on phonics worked for me"
- Bronx: "kibbles and bits, kibbles and bits"
- Steel Clan: "its morphin time!"
- Goliath: "Ezekial 25:17, the path of the righteous man...."
- Goliath: "to infinity and beyond!"
- Angela: "Elisa, do you ever feel..... not so fresh?"
- Xanatos: "be vewy vewy quiet... i'm hunting gagoyles...huhuhuh"
- Elisa: "i have to go to the ladies room, Broadway, hold my gun"
Top Ten Villains That Should be on Gargoyles:
- Bill Cosby ("I'll destroy you Goliath, but before I do, here, have a pudding pop")
- Homey D. Clown ("I suppose your here to destroy my plans. Take me to jail, like the laws of "the man" say.... I don't think so, homey don't play that")
- Beavis and Butthead team up with Puck
- Gaston (revealed to be the real hunter)
- The Maytag Man (he needs somethin to do)
- Elvis (the true owner of excalibur)
- Those aliens from Independence Day
- The Predator teams up with The Hunter
- Bowser
- Susan Powter vs. Broadway
Top Ten Things I'd Like to See:
- Al Bundy "I warned you David, not to marry a read-head, I did and look what happened to me"
- The Tick "SPOON!!"
- Dr Ruth, talking to Elisa and Goliath
- President Clinton talking to Brooklyn about don't ask, don't tell
- The Energizer Bunny
- Steve Urkel, at nerd convention with lexington
- Goliath has a talk with Lexington about those magazines he found
- Goliath uses the Phoenix Gate, and meets bill and ted
- Demona tying up Goliath with a white silk scarf, then pulling out an icepick from under the pillow
- Lexington finding a naked picture of Demona on the internet
Hugo Serrata