Goliath's Top Ten List
Top Ten Things I'd Like to See the Gargoyles do...
- I'd like to Goliath kill somone
- I'd like to see an episode where the whole time Goliath kicks ass.
- I want Xantos to get a brainwashed and give the Gargoyles his money.
- I want them to get sick.
- I'd like to see Demona kill Macbeth and die herself.
- I want to see more of the gargoyles that are now being led by Broklyn.
- I'd like to see miss maza and goliath in love.
- Maggie fall in love with Broklyn.
- Broadway go on a diet.
and finally: - I want Goliath to go back home and find the descendants of the man who betrayed his clan and kill them all.