Diedre's Top Ten(?) Lists
Top Nineteen Reasons I Love Puck So Much:
- Thanks to Puck, I learned the symbol for iron! The symbol is "Fe". Just add a "y" to the end and there you have it "Fey".
- He's easy to threaten-one word-iron.
- He rhymes.
- Gives creative nicknames, i.g. "Big Daddy Oberon" and "Big Lavender" or did I hear that one from someone's fanfic? If I did, well, oops.
- After watching the Gathering for the fifteenth time, I started answering my phone by saying, "Heeeeere's Deirdre!"
- Anyone here ever seen "Dead Poet's Society"? Puck is in it-sort of.
- He's got a funky voice.
- I ran around school screaming, "Lord, what fools these mortals be!" when I read "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
- In fact, he's the reason I made it through "A Midsummer Night's Dream" alive.
- He's the only fay with a sense of humor.
- Puck has more of a fashion clue than Elisa-the bottoms of the sleeves actually match the tops of his boots!
- He wears a purple toga! Purple is my favorite color.
- I can get tips from him on how to properly annoy people, though I think that annoying people comes naturally to me.
- Whenever I get mad at someone, I go to him and vent, then all he does is wiggle his nose and the person is turned into a potted plant.
- I actually read something by Shakespeare, and understood a good portion of it, because of him.
- I will never think of mirrors in the same way again.
- He's cute! Even though he has white hair!
- The way he moves his hands and fingers while he talks. It's very funny.
- He pisses everyone off so well. I admire that in a guy.
Top Thirty-Two Things I'm Almost Sure I'll Never See, But I Wouldn't Mind Seeing on Gargoyles:
- Elisa taking Bronx for a walk to do a you-know-what.
- Puck getting a haircut and a dye job.
- Hudson saying, "Oops, I forgot my sword."
- Demona and Elisa becoming best friends.
- Lexington beating the crap out of everyone.
- Fox waking up bald; now that is scary!
- Lexington waking up with a full head of hair; now that is even scarier!
- Hudson start talking with a New York accent.
- Brooklyn getting a nose job.
- Owen going on a talk show and telling the audience his entire real life story-"It all started when Shakespeare wrote that damn play..."
- Broadway going on a diet.
- Xanatos saying to Owen, "Why don't you ever listen to me?"
- Exploring the possiblity of Brooklyn kissing someone without poking their eye out.
- Goliath declaring that violence is not the answer.
- Someone saying the number "69" and having everyone on the show crack up.
- Owen starting to go bald and using "Rogaine".
- MacBeth reading "Playboy."
- Lexington revealed to be the Unabomber in disguise.
- Lexington stealing Elisa away from Goliath.
- Broadway going to a concert, crowd-surfing, and injuring a few dozen people.
- An appearence by those two oh-so-lovable FBI agents Mulder and Scully.
- Xanatos saying, "Money doesn't grow on trees, you know" or "I just don't think I can afford it."
- Oberon and Titania counting exactly how many children they have.
- Puck saying, "Ugh! Can't everyone be serious for once...?"
- Puck getting a makeover- think MTV Makeover Madness.
- Puck changing Alexander Xanatos's diaper.
- The gargoyles' loincloths blowing off in the wind.
- Owen saying, "I love you, man."
- Oberon getting beat up by Alexander Xanatos, as a result of Puck's educational training. Think about it: "Well, you told me to educate him as best I could..."
- Owen saying a curse word- "Mr. Xanatos, it just slipped..."
- Owen giving Xanatos the middle finger.
- Puck doing a fairly decent impression of Billy Corgan, singing that Smashing Pumpkins song we all know and love, "Tonight, Tonight." In fact, I'm listening to that song right now.
The Star-Crossed Deirdre