Desdemona's Top Ten List
Top Ten Best Things About a Gargoyle/X-Men Crossover
- Goliath and Wolverine arguing about whose claws are better
- Xavier and Xanatos discussing the problems with being rich.
- Rogue and Elisa discussing their love problems.
- Gambit giving Brooklynn love advise.
- Archangel and Broadway arguing over who has the more impressive wing span.
- Bishop and Hudson gull about how out of place they feel in this time, at the same time.
- Fox and Jean Grey talking and comparing embarassing habits of their husbands.
- Beast and Lexington designing a computer game!
- Mr. Sinister and Anton Sevarious team up to create the "Ultimate Being."
and the number one best thing about a Gargoyle/X-Men crossover is: - Puck turning Cyclopse into a turnip saying "He has the personality of one."
Ginny "Desdemona" Lebeau