Demona's and Ghost's Top Ten List
Top Ten Reasons Why Xanatos Married Fox:
- He actually knows someone with an "X" in their name.
- Pink elephants? (well hey. There are already purple monkeys.)
- His little oscar is getting rowdy.
- He can cancel his subscription to "Playboy."
- He needs a little "Davie."
- Owen is now partially stone
- He wants to reunite Beavis and Butthead.
- No more bills for night chat lines
- Pink elephants?
and the number one reason why Xanatos married Fox is - He has a new excuse for buying that new bra he had always wanted.
Top Ten Reasons Angela and Brooklyn are Destined to be With Each Other
- We need little B's.
- We want to see Goliath p.o.ed
- It's obvious
- The poor beaked biker needs a soul mate.
- We want to see Maggie p.o.ed
- We want to see Gabriel p.o.ed
- Brooklyn nedds to be truely happy FOR ONCE.
- Well, Angela is better than Lex.
- Angela is WAY better than Broadway.
and the number one reason why Angela and Brooklyn are destined to be with each other is - Brooklyn is going to need a 2nd in command someday.
Demona and Ghost