Daniel's To Ten List
Top ten things I'd like to see on gargoyles
- Goliath realizing that he could have won Demona back to the side of good if he hadn't been flirting with that home wrecking human Maza!
- Brooklyn finally getting a girlfriend (Broadway would have been happier with a sandwich, Brook needed Angela!)
- Doctor Sevarius FINALLY being KILLED by Goliath and actually STAYING DEAD!
- Demona finally redeeming herself for her crimes (not that Goliath helped her out by flirting with a certain detective....)
- Demona getting back together with her one true love Goliath and saying to Maza, "Better luck next time hun."
- Demona finally getting even with Puck for his cruel pranks (string him by his ears! MAHAHAHA!)
- The Manhattan Clan being joined by two or more of Angela's rookery sisters from Avalon (don't blow it this time Brook and Lex!)
- Hudson going up to Broadway wearing a black mask and carrying a lightsaber as he proclaims, "SSSSSSSS....Broadway....SSSSS..I am your father!"
- Elisa being torn to pieces by Demona
- Angela trying on her mother's halter top and miniskirt just as her prudish father enters the room.....
Daniel B. Roach