Daniel's Top Five List
Top Five Crossover Fanifics That could work! (With a good author)
- Mystery Science Theatre 3000: It could work if you did it as MISTied version of a bad fanfic. Have it star Lexington(who's probaly a fan) and Angela and Brooklyn tag along as the naive straight Gargoyles to Lex, Mike and the Bots
- X-Files: If you did so that Mulder, Scully and Matt were investigating something else (And not the Gargoyles) and have some of our heros tag along, it could work out!
- World of Darkness (O.K., Too obvious, especailly with Gargoyles :The Vigil avalable on the Net, but somebody had to say it!
- New York celebraties: How about a fanfic where the boys take Angela to a Ramones concert at CBGB's? Or how about one that just has Howard Stern get plagued by phone calls of Gargoyle sighters?
- Highlander: Mac's Scottish, The gargoyles are Scots(by birth). Throw in Macbeth (An immortal who's not an Immortal) and you could have one heck of a story! It wouldn't even have to be a "travellers" tale what with MacLeod getting around so much!
Daniel DiCenso