Crystal's Top Ten Lists
Top Ten Things You'll Never See on Gargoyles
- Goliath or any of the other gargoyles (besides Hudson), wearing pants.
- Elisa wearing different clothes on a regular work day.
- Lex cursing after his computer breaks.
- Hudson cursing after his T.V. breaks.
- Talon cleaning himself like Cagney(Elisa's cat)
- Talon communicates with Cagney.
- Bronx begging for some one to take him "out"
- Broadway going on a shooting spree.
- One of the gargoyles accidentily glides into the window of a news
and the number one thing is - Any gargoyle accidentilly hits a building while gliding.
Top Ten Things Goliath Doesn't Want To Hear:
- Demona: I love you Goliath.
- Brooklyn: I just got back from the local biker bar.
- Elisa: I'm moving to Arizona.
- Angela: I'm going to live with Demona
- Xanatos: Goliath, will you babysit my son?
- Fang and Brooklyn: I love Angela
- Lex: Um...Goliath do you happen to have any money for this internet bill.
- Brooklyn and Angela: We're getting married!
- Angela: I'm pregnant!
and the number one thing is: - Elisa: Guess what? I'm getting married!
Crystal Rodriguez