Brian's Top Ten List
Top Ten things that I wish to Oberon were on Gargoyles:
- David Xanatos learning that Owen is the father of Fox's kid. :)
- Angela and/or Lexington actually kicking butt.
- Goliath and Demona in a custody battle for Angela.
- Broklyn's reaction to meeting Angela after going 1000 years without a date....
- ...And his subsequent reaction when he finds out who her father is.
- Patrick Stewart and/or William Shatner guest staring.
- Any gargoyle that turns to stone by day "sleeping in". ("Stone...at night?" "Naa, he's just sleeping in!")
- MacBeth collecting the royalties he is owed from Shakespeare's play.
- Elisa and Matt investigat UFO sightings, unexplained phenomina,
government conspiracies, supernatural killers...("The truth is out
there, Elisa, but trust no one")
and the number one thing I wish to Oberon that they would show on Gargoyles: - Hudson actually hacking someone's head off with that huge sword of his!
Brian MacDonald