Bethany's and Becky's Top Ten Lists
Top Ten Things We Would Like to See on Gargoyles:
- Owen trying to itch his nose with his stone hand!!!
- Oberon trying to iron his shorts.
- We second the ideas of Xanatos getting kicked in the balls.
- Elisa beat the crap out of Demona (No bazookas allowed!!!)
- Broadway becoming so fat that the Jet Stream could not carry him.
- The clan learns synchronized swimming.
- Goliath having to run out and buy pads for Elisa.
- Goliath having to explain to Angela about.... Well, you know. (Refer to number four)
- Us on the show.
and the number one thing that we would like to see on Gargoyles is: - Someone forgetting to starch Goliath's loincloth!!! :-)
Top Ten things That we Would like to See Owen do:
- Show his teeth.
- Outsmart Xanatos.
- Have a secret affair with Fox.
- Change clothes.
- Let it all hang out.
- Spit from the top of Castle Wyvern.
- Pierce his nipples.
- Get tattoo of naked... nevermind.
- Disco
and the number one thing we would like to see Owen do is: - Paint a face on his butt and go around talking to people.
Bethany "Eeyore" Iwanski and Becky Niemiec