Batya's and Constance's Top Ten List
The Top 10 worst Nightmares of David Xanatos
- New York City Buildings Commissioner prosecutes because Castle Wyvern violates six zoning laws
- "Alexander Thailog announced today his purchase of Xanatos Enterprises for one billion dollars...."
- Yakko, Wakko, and Dot run amuck in Castle Wyvern...and name Xanatos their new Special Friend
- One word: Bifocals
- Owen quits and is replaced by Fran Drescher's character on The Nanny
- "But Dad, I don't want to take over the business! I want to take a vow of poverty and go join a commune!"
- Hyena transfers her affections from Coyote to the...original model
- "David, I'm leaving you--and I'm taking the kid with me!"
- His robotic Steel Clan exo-suit takes on a mind of its own. While
he's inside it
And the worst nightmare of David Xanatos: - "Commander? Will? Will, can you hear me? Wake up, it's Deanna...."
Constance Cochran & Batya Levin