Anton's Top Ten List
The Top Ten Things That You Just Gotta Ask Yourself About "GARGOYLES":
- If gargoyles rejuvinate during the day, why is Hudson blind and has a scar in one eye?
- In the episode "Metamorphosis", Dr. Anton Sevarius said that gargoyles needed to collect solar energy during the day. If this is true, how does Demona get her energy?
- What did the gargoyles do with all the stone skin that must have accumulathed when they lived in the clock tower?
- How come every once in a while, swords and loin cloths turn to stone during the day?
- How come Broadway is the only gargoyle that eats?
- Do gargoyles need to use the washroom. And if they do...
- ...did they have to creep down into the police station to do so?
- Did the gargoyles get cable in the clock tower? (I mean for Hudson)
- Does Bronx ever need to be taken down to the front lawn to do "his
and the number one question you just gotta ask yourself about "GARGOYLES" is - How did Lexington get to be so bloody smart? (it's not like they had computers and electronics 1002 years ago!)
Anton Degroot