"It's Your Fault"
To the song "It's Your Fault" from "Into the Woods" by Stephen Sondheim,
Lyrics by Constance "Eilonwy" Cochran and Jordan Mann
It's because of you that my clan was all but destroyed and we lost our home!
But it's not my fault
I was led astray
Feared humans would betray us in the day
And the Vikings came, they did not halt or
There'd have been no invasion in the first place!
Wait a minute, when you put the blame on the Viking horde
You're forgetting that you're dealing with a two-edged sword
Was it worth it then? When you cut that cord?
Oh, and tell the directions that your heart pulled toward!
(Xanatos - to Demona)
So, it's your fault!
Yes, it's your fault..
Yes, it is!
It's not!
It's true.
Wait a minute, now-
I only made the deal to save my castle-
(points to Hakon's ghost) From you!
(Katharine - to Hakon's ghost)
So 'tis your fault!
(Hakon's ghost)
No, it wasn't!
I was doing my job as the army's head,
I had to make a living and had men I led!
It's the Magus' fault that the spell was placed
And the clan got cursed in the first place!
(Katherine - sadly)
Oh. Then it's his fault...
(Elisa - reluctant)
It was his fault...
Yes it is, it's his.
Wait a minute now!
Demona broke deals we made back then,
The bonding remained, and happened when
We hunted one another 'round again
In the first place.
....second place?...
How'd you get above the clouds-
Above the clouds?
Moved stone by stone?
(Goliath - to Xanatos)
You rose the castle to the clouds.
I didn't! Yes I did...
So it's yours!
No it isn't, 'cause I did it for my wife.
So it's her F-...
Cursed human!
So who's is it?
Wait a minute! (To Princess Katharine)
You led the way, they all looked up to you,
But you feared us all in public, so the fault's on you...
You mean if I hadn't said such things-oh dear-
But I didn't know, how it would grow-
I'm in the clear!
(Xanatos - to Demona)
So it's your fault
See, it's her fault!
And it isn't mine at all!
But what?
But if you had left when I asked you to?
We protected...
You were stubborn, the whole lot of you.
But I was thinking of the clan-
So it's her fault then!
(Elisa - to Xanatos)
But, now what about my brother in the third place?
That was accidental!
(Goliath and Elisa)
Accidental! (to Goliath) If you had gone along..
(Goliath - roaring)
Gave DNA...
(Goliath - growls)
Yes it's his fault!
(MacBeth and Katherine - confused)
Wait a minute...
(Elisa - to Xanatos)
If you hadn't paid him to?
(Goliath - to Elisa)
But if Derek had listened to you
He wouldn't be a flying cat in the first place.
Well, If you hadn't burst in on the lab
In the first place!
(Goliath - pointing to Xanatos)
Well if he hadn't moved the castle up
In the first place-!
It was your fault!
(Xanatos - pointing to Demona)
If she hadn't betrayed them in the first place!
Yes, if you hadn't betrayed in the first place!
Right! It's you who betrayed in the first place!
(All - to Demona)
You betrayed them in the first place!
It's YOUR fault!
You're responsible!
You're the one to blame!
It's your fault!
[A green Light suddenly surrounds everyone. When it clears, the Three Sisters have appeared as maidens.]
We're the weird sisters.
We control fate.
We're the weird sisters.
Mortals are such weak
Told a little lie, cast a little spell, broke a loving vow,
Did you?
Had to get revenge, had to make them bow,
Had to have that pow'r, doesn't matter how...
Anyhow it doesn't matter now.
We're the weird sisters.
Mortals are such weak
Nothing but the years' hatreds,
Mourning for a lost mate!
Nothing left to do...
Not exactly true:
You can give us your souls...
No, of course, what really matters is the blame
Placing the blame
If you think that will heal, placing the blame,
If that's your aim, give us the blame.
Just give us your souls.
You're so young.
Yet so old, yet so knowing
Yet so young.
We're not young, we're not old,
We just are?
We're the sisters
You're the world.
We're the plot twist, we're part of the tale,
We're the sisters.
Mortal fools, you look pale,
Like all others,
As the rest will be too!
But why bother?
You are mortal can't learn-
We're the weird sisters,
We're beyond old
Weaving without looms, sisters,
With our threads of fine gold.
Here, you want a clan?
Make another plan?
Plans are for making you rich,
Venegeance should ease the pain,
But what did you gain?
Listen to the sound,
A thousand years come 'round-
Ah, well, you can blame the fae.
We're the weird sisters.
It's the last act
Now before we go, sisters,
We leave you with one last pact:
We're leaving you alone.
You can tend to your lives, they're yours.
No magic, earth or stone,
From which that fatalism pours.
And then-what then?
Will it just start again?
Punish each other as you did before?
Give us a younger world
To plday with, new life unfurled.
And their fate-
Not too late-
Easy bait!
[They laugh eerily, as a mist swirls about them and they vanish].