"God Rest Ye..."
To the song "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen",
Lyrics by Amy "Xeennexx" Balestra
God rest ye valiant Gargoyles, Let nothing you dismay
And know we faithful Humans shall defend you through the day
And save you all from Demona, since she has gone astray.
And bring tidings of comfort and joy! Comfort and joy!
And you'll dream of comfort and joy!
God rest ye valiant Gargoyles, Defenders of the Night!
And when you're gliding through the air, you are an awesome sight!
Protect us all from vice and crime, until the morning light!
And bring us comfort and joy! Comfort and joy!
And you bring us comfort and joy!
God rest ye valiant Gargoyles, although these times are bleak.
'Though warrior-born, you've hearts of gold, and spirits that are meek.
And peace with all Humankind is surely what you seek,
Together in comfort and joy! Comfort and joy!
Be together in comfort and joy!
Got rest ye valiant Gargoyles, until that fateful day
When Humans and Gargoyles shall have an equal say
And "Peace on Earth; Goodwill to all" will finally come to stay
There'll be tidings of comfort and joy! Comfort and joy!
There will be tidings of comfort and joy!
God rest ye valiant Gargoyles, O Angels in the Night!
Do not take time to think of the evil that you fight.
But mind Goliath's words as you sleep; the sun shines bright:
[We're] Stone by Day, Warriors by Night! Warriors by Night!
[We are] Stone by Day, Warriors by Night!