To the song "Day-O" by Harry Belafonte,
Lyrics by Merlin Missy
Scene: the clocktower. The sky is lightening slowly, and the guys watch the horizon.
Suddenly, a beam of green light streams from the sky, splits, and
hits each of them on the forehead except Bronx.
Magic is afoot
(Goliath - jumping onto his perch)
Day-o! Daaaaaay-o!
Daylight come, and me gotta turn stone.
(The trio leaps onto the ledge as well, Lexinton in front,
then Brooklyn, then Broadway. Hudson moves to stand in front of the four)
Day-o! Daaaaaay-o!
Daylight come, and we gotta turn stone.
Come, Mr. Eisner, don't cancel my good program.
(Trio and Hudson)
Daylight come, and we gotta turn stone.
(Goliath - bends on one knee)
Come, Mr. Eisner, don't cancel my good program.
(Trio and Hudson)
Daylight come, and we gotta turn stone.
Day-o! Daaaaaay-o!
Daylight come, and we gotta turn stone.
Day-o! Daaaaaay-o!
Daylight come, and we gotta turn stone.
(The trio begins to walk like Egyptians back and forth across the ledge;
Hudson moves his arms from side to side)
Can you get the inside references?
(Trio and Hudson)
Daylight come, and we gotta turn stone.
Get hit over the head with moral messages?
(Trio and Hudson)
Daylight come, and we gotta turn stone.
(Elisa walks out of the tower, sees them singing
and stops dead in her tracks)
Day-o! Daaaaaay-o!
Daylight come, and we gotta turn stone.
Day-o! Daaaaaay-o!
Daylight come, and we gotta turn stone.
6 foot! (Lexington jumps down)
7 foot! (Brooklyn jumps down)
8 foot! (Broadway jumps down)
Bronx! (Bronx howls)
Daylight come, and we gotta turn stone.
6 foot! (Hudson pats Lexington on the head)
7 foot! (Hudson pats Brooklyn on the head)
8 foot! (Hudson pats Broadwayn on the head)
Bronx! (Hudson pats Bronx on the head. Bronx growls)
Daylight come, and we gotta turn stone.
(Goliath - really getting into it)
(The Trio and Hudson now in barbershop quartet fashion,
with Lexington kneeling in front.
Bronx slinks to the corner to watch.)
Daylight come, and we gotta turn stone.
(slowly now)
Daylight come, and we gotta turn stone.
(As the song ends, the guys begin to shake their heads,
as if coming out of a trance. Elisa waits until they notice her)
Oh, hello Elisa.
(Elisa - looking at each of them in turn, her gaze finally setting on Goliath)
That's it. You guys are switching to decaf.
(she turns around and walks back into the tower as the sun rises)